(Roc) Oh, Christmas Tree (Pt.1)

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"Let it go dumbass!" you yelled at your big brother. You were putting up the Christmas tree for a surprise for your younger brother but this dumbass decided to come in and mess with shit. 

"Pitiful ass. 21 years old and want to play like you 2. Jacob, grow the hell up would you?" You snatched the ornament that he wanted to throw around back and hung it up.

"When you put some clothes on, I'll think about it." He said with a smile. You had on your bra and booty shorts (w/o any underwear which he didn't know) but shit, as long as your ass isn't hanging all out, then what was the problem?

"Oh you haven't heard, you're sister's a hoe?" You said back with a straight face.

"Jacob and (Y/N), SHUT THE HELL UP!" You're ma called from the other room. You and him have been arguing all morning and it wasn't helping the headache that was starting to form. "Sorry," you both called back.

"Bitch, that's why I hope you're hoe ass choke on a dick," he whispered to you.

"And that's why I hope that scank you're riding around town with gives you chlamydia. I heard she was at the Chloe's party last week smelling like a fresh can of tuna bitch."

"Really? If she does, it's only because she did sit in your spot at the dinner table last week. At least the chair got a break from your ass I can say." He laughed at his little joke.

You looked at him.

He looked at you.

You looked back at him.

He looked at you.

So you looked at him.

"Nigga what!"

"Nigga you gay," you uttered. That's all you could come up with.

"Ahahaha, look at you, stuck!" He teased.

"Yeah, just like my foot up your -" 

Knock, knock, knock. Just then somebody knocked on the door. "Who is that knocking at my door at 9 in the morning? Jay it better not be that crazy girl of yours." Your mom scolded at her mention of Tori.

"No ma'am, that's just August." August! Your heart spiked up at the sound of his name. August and your bro have been friends for years and your crush for just as long. They've been struggling to talk to each other ever since August went to the military and based off in Miami. You haven't seen him in almost 2 years. I wonder if he's still sexy you thought.  You ran upstairs to put on a sweater to cover up. You didn't want him to think you were one of those girls although you'll be one for him any day. Plus,  Jacob don't play that shit when it comes to his sister and his friends. Especially since you were only 17.

You walked back downstairs, almost falling with your knees feeling weak. Your legs stopped at the sound of his voice and you had to force yourself to take a deep breath. Don't act crazy bitch you had to remind yourself.

You turned the corner into the living room and saw him. Oh gosh him. You forced yourself not to blush and looked away from his direction instead. "(Y/N) I like your tree." He flashed a smile at you opening his arms for you. You put on an innocent smile, taking in his embrace saying a 'thank you' and stepping back before Jacob suspected something.

"I wanted to put up a star but somebody," you aimed your eyes on Jacob, "forgot to buy one."

"Oh for the Lord's sake, Jacob, go buy that damn star. We can't have a Christmas without a star." Your mom stepped in.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2015 ⏰

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