(Roc) Help On Aisle 9

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Hiya! I won't be doing any personals for a while because there's like soooo many buuut I'll still keep posting. This one has ALOT of talking at the beginning buuut it's worth it. Okay, uh bye!

"Ugh! I hate this fucking store!" You mumbled under your breath. You were at Stevie's Quickies trying to find some Cheetos but the packs you found were all little bags. "The fuck kind of shit is this? They know black people like big bags of Cheetos. See, this is what happens when your store is ran by white people. Selling small bags and sh-"

"I always thought you were crazy." You heard a male laugh from behind you. You turned around saw a light-skinned man standing.

"I'm sorry. Do I know you?" You asked.

"Know me? You used to tutor me in high school."

"You sure, the only boy I use to tutor was-"

"Catapillar Chres....yep. That's me..Well, that was me."

You widen your eyes. "That's you! Catapillar Chres. OMG! You got fine, I MEAN you look different." Damn you thought. He really has changed. Back in the day, people used to call him Catapillar Chres because one day he got caught eating some. He claimed that they were gummi worms but gummi worms don't move nor do they squirt out green juice. (Ee! Eww!) Besides that, you always thought that he was good-looking but damn, you didn't know that he could get this fine.

"So do you. So um, how may I help you?" You were so busy checking him out you didn't realize that he was the check out person. (Get it? Lol..No? Okay -.-)

"Oh um, I was looking for the big bag of Cheetos. I'll just buy soome Ruffles since you guys don't have any.."

"Oh, they're up here. I swear I think my co-workers hide them for themselves." He chuckled and reached up to the top shelf to get the chips. You realized how tone his muscles were peeping out from his shirt. You bit your bottom lip and stared him down, in the most sexually way possible that is. He gave you the bag of chips and you smiled at him innocently.

"Thank you." He smiled at you and nodded. "Soo, what made you wanna work here?" You asked.

"Oh, this is just a little side hustle while I'm in college. You know me, I like to keep busy."

"Hahahe, me too. I don't blame you. I like to get busy, I MEAN keep busy also." You mentally slapped yourself for your stupidity. You were always a sucker for boys. "You still talk to some people from school?"

"Nah. Don't want to, no offense. I've seen some of the girls here and there. You know, they see how I got it now and the one's who used to talk about my ass wanna' grab it." You laughed really wanting to grab his ass.

"Got it? What do you mean?' You asked all curious in the face.

"Oh, um. Nothing. You know, my family is, um, rich and stuff." He said it like it wasn't a big deal. It probably wasn't to him.

"Oh, I didn't know that." You totally knew that. Truth was, his family was rich as hell. Billionaires to be exact.

"Yeah. So, um, I'll let you get about your business and see you later." He was about to walk away when you blurted out: "HOW? I mean, you won't be able to see me w/o my number." You sensed some awkwardness and readjusted yourself. "Look, I don't mean to come on too strong but I just wanted to let you know that not every girl from back then cares about how you got it and your ass. What I'm trying to say is, do you want to hang out sometime." He looked around for a minute and you swore you never seen anything more sexy in your life. When he looked back at you he had a sly smile on his face.

"Sure...Umm, come with me this way." Before you could get all ghetto and ask why, he grabbed you by your arm, gently, and pulled you further away from the other people. "I can't let my co-workers or boss see me give you my number or vice versa. Employee policy." He explained when you guys finally came to a halt. You looked around and realized that not a living soul, besides you guys, was around. "Yeah, pretty empty huh? Nobody ever comes on this aisle. Our manager put it on restriction (or whatever you wanna call it) since the cameras don't work over here. Somebody could steal something and we wouldn't even know it." He scratched his head and looked down at you.

"Or other things, you know?" You added, your mind on other things.

"Yeah, I guess. Soooo, am I getting your number or the other way around?"

"You can get me...I MEAN mines. You can get my number." You smiled in embarrassment.

"Are you okay? You've been doing that a lot."

"Doing what?"

"Say 'something' and then say 'I MEAN'...what's up with that." He pulled out his phone to get your number you guess.

"Oh, I'm just thinking with my pu-- Ahahaha..nevermind. My number you say, um, 3237869201. There you go, um, byeee!" You about to walk away when he grabbed you by your arm.

"Nah, say what you was going to say. You're just thinking with your what?"

You gulped hard and thought that you might as well say. We're all adults here. "With my pussy." You held your breath and clinched your teeth, heart beating fast.

He did a little smile. "Really? What is it saying now?" He stepped closer to you and licked his lips.

"Oh, nothing. It's just beating..hard..and fast?" You smiled nervously breathing hard.

He stepped closer to you now closing the last piece of space you guys had. "I wonder what that means." He wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you softly on your neck. That was all he needed to do and that was all the invitation you needed.

You grabbed his head and kissed him. His tongue licked your bottom lip and you let him in. The moment his tongue came in your p*ssy really started to talk. You moaned a little bit when he backed you up against the aisle shelves. You tugged at his shirt and he took it off, looking around again. His lips met yours again and you bit his bottom lip. It was so soft. He unbuckled your belt and unzipped your pants, tugging them down inch by inch. When they finally hit the floor, he picked you up, your back still against the shelves, and you wrapped your legs around his torso. He rubbed the outline of your panties (panties is such a weird word btw) and you took off your shirt and threw it down next to his pants. With the hand not occupying your underwear, he unclipped your bra and caught your right nipple in his mouth. He licked around both of them for awhile before putting you down. He took off the last of your clothing and did the same for him, but only keeping his briefs on. He picked you back up, pressing his bulge against you.

You pressed down on his head to deepened the kiss and he grabbed your ass in one hand. You was so into the moment that you didn't realize that he was entering in until he entered in (hehe). You gasped a bit because you were a little tight. He started to grind slowly to get your walls used to his size. When everything was alright down there (lol) he started to speed up a little, making your ass bump up against the shelves.


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