Chapter 2

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The sun hit the face of a teenager,
She wasn't the little girl back then when she was powerless, now she was a leader of a squad which specialized in cavalry, she was the best fighter with a sword and hand in hand combat.

She got out of the bed and took a quick bath, got dressed and exited her room and went straight to the stables to greet her most precious friend,
''Good morning Chance'' she said to her horse.Even tho she was a leader of the squad she was very quiet and cold. Her blue eyes were dull neither did she smile or ever seemed happy,well who can blame her, her childhood wasn't one of the best she could've had.
She went on her morning duties,which were some paperwork, being a leader didn't mean you got to relax in bed and do absolutely nothing , well there were leaders who did that but her, Captain Morris wasn't like that Mykaela Morris was different she put a lot of work to get into a position where she was.
Today she felt a little happy but her expression didn't show it, it was her birthday she remembered some nice memories she had with her parents, but soon her happy memories were replaced by the same horrifying one she always remembered ,the day her parents were murdered.
She shook off that memory and went to her squad to tell them 'it was time to go and train the  horses '.
' Listen up' she started "it's time to train the horses, we have four new horses today, so hurry up you lazy people"she stated with no expression, the squad was used to this but it still sent shivers down their backs.
The squad consisted of five guys and two girls.
The squad liked Captain Morris
Because even tho she seemed cold she really cared about them.
One of the guys named Christian had a crush on Mykaela, but the rest of the squad said to him to give up because he didn't have a chance, but how can you give up so easily, the Captain was a beautiful girl after all she had long brown hair tied in a high pony tail, her blue eyes were dull but that is what made her more mysterious and beautiful and her face was even more beautiful, which made a lot of guys fall for her, 'she was the meaning of beauty'.
Her squad still wondered how she wasn't in any relationship,
most of the squad were already engaged or married, there was only one girl named Sophia who wasn't in any kind of relationship and Christian who had a crush on the captain.
Anyway the squad started walking to the stables where the new horses for training were waiting.
Mykaela started going to the stables enjoying the nice sunny weather.
As she got closer to the stables she heard a horse, he was on the loose and running her way, the guy who was supposed to look after it started chasing it, but its
impossible to chase the fast glorious beast,Mykaela saw that he wouldn't be able to stop him so she got ready and jumped on top of the horse and pulled the reins to stop him.
Mykaela brought him back to the guy giving a cold glare to him and with that she walked over to pet her horse.
' hey boy ' she said, the horse neighed as if he understood and said hello back.
She started brushing him for about thirty minutes and then she saw a guy dressed in army messenger uniform coming to her, she stood up 'Hello Captain Morris, I am here to inform you that tommorow Commander Taylor would like to see you in the Head Quarters you need to be there by noon '
Mykaela nodded 'got it 'she said 'also here is a letter he told me to give it to you '
"Thank you" said Mykaela.The messenger said goodbye and left.

Mykaela's. P.O.V
'well that was weird, I wonder why do they need me, did my idiotic squad do something again' I thought. I put down the brush that for some reason I was still holding and went to my squad.
When I reached the horse training grounds I see them chatting, well at least Sophia was doing her job and riding the horse around the track. Sophia is the one without a man maybe that's why she follows me around like a lost puppy, well atleast she listened to me and did her job like everyone else was supposed to do. Sophia saw me coming and decide that it was proably a  good idea to show off, so she tried to jump over the fence, and when I say tried I mean it, she fell off the horse and bruised both of her knees and hands,
"this is going to be my day isn't "
I thought to myself, finnaly my idiot squad noticed that she fell down the horse and ran to help her or maybe it was because they saw me coming, whatever seriously I have no time to give them out so I'm just going to punish them " 100 laps around the horse track" I shouted, they looked at me with their jaws on the ground, seriously they need to learn some manners, "except you Sophia, you can go bring the horses back to the stable and get your wound treated ". I said, her face immediately lit up.
As I was about to walk away, I remembered what the army messenger told me "by the way guys tommorow I will not be here, but that doesn't mean you have a day of, when I come back I want to see this place Crystal clear, got it "  I saw that they wanted to argue but I gave them my icy cold glare, they gulped and nodded.
I walked back to my room and opened the letter it said:

Dear Captain Morris
I know this is sudden but tommorow I would like you to come over to the head quarters and talk about something important ..

Commander Taylor

I thank you for reading the second chapter of "Ray Of Light"

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