Chapter 9

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August's P.O.V

I was walking to my horse to get the water for Mykaela, I don't know why but I felt a sharp pain
Just thinking about how she talked about her family.

One thing for sure I already knew that she either didn't have any parents or she was abandoned or something like that...
How did I know that? Well I had a look at the records and hers especially caught my eye.

You might think that I was selected to be put in together to work with her but no, I was the one who chose to work with her.
Her records were perfect and she was the youngest one to become a commander.

Okay, you might think how was I able to choose with who I want to work, well that's simple being who I am made it especially easy.
It was my secret and only my closest friend knew it.

His name wa- ..."August" barely but surely I heard Mykaela's fragile voice, she sounded so weak and broken.
It was my fault that she was in this situation, I mean if I only would've helped her she wouldn't be in the pain she was.

I opened the door to see Mykaela holding a hand over her wound
and from what is seemed the blood was seaming trough the gauze.. "oh crap " I thought I ain't smart in these situations
So I did what seemed right I took off the gauze that was over her shirt while slightly trying to apply pressure on the wound itself than I lifted her shirt up her smooth white skin was exposed she had a flawless skin, but there was only one thing that bothered me and that was a scar that was going from the side of her stomach to her breast I wonder how did that happen I might ask her sometime later after my inspection I got back to tending the wound I poured some alcohol to prevent any infections than I took some more gauze and put it again over her stomach.

She did flinch few times but other than that she didn't show any signs of pain "just how tough
are you " I asked myself.

I looked over at Mykaela who seems to have drifted to sleep.
She looked beautiful just laying there on the bed her long brown hair, her white flawless skin and those soft rosy lips. She looked like a goddess.
Suddenly I felt the heat rush to my cheeks," I know what this is" I thought.

-5 hours later-

As I looked over to Mykaela I noticed that she was waking up.
I poured some water into the cup and walked towards her kneeling down, she barely could sit up so I just put my free hand around her to be sure that she doesn't fall.

Her fingers touched the cup as she took it out of my hand.
After she finished drinking I took the cup and set it down on the bedside table.
"are you okay " well of course she wasn't but I just wanted to know.

'Yes, just a little sore on the stomach' she said, her voice sounded much better, I was happy to know atleast that much.

"You should rest," I said, she just nodded and I gently laid her back down on the bed.

It was pretty late so I laid down beside her on the double bed, and turned my gaze towards her, she seemed to have gone back to sleep.

I gently placed my hand on her face and softly stroked her cheek carefully trying not to wake her up.

"You're beautiful " I whispered and then I turned around to face the window and closed my eyes drifting off to sleep.


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