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The sun once again hit my face, it was a beautiful morning,
I got out of the bed and went to take a shower, once I finished I got dressed in my uniform.
I closed my bedrooms door and went to the kitchen to make myself some tea as I looked over the letter again and wondered why was I needed I fished my tea and washed my cup and went outside. My squad was already training the horses, 'atleast I don't need to tell them what to do' I thought.
'Well I better go now it's better to be early than late' i said to no one
in particular.

At the Head Quarters
'Hello I'm here to see commander Taylor' I said to the guy at the desk 'he will be here in five minutes please have a seat' I nodded and sat down.
After few minutes C.Taylor called me to his office.
'I suppose you're curious why I called you here' he said
"Yes" I answered,
' well you see from today Captain August is going to be working with you.
He is a nice guy and he is really strong, so I thought you might need him because your team is full of idiots, I'm not saying that they are bad,they are a great bunch but I just thought some extra help would be good and it would also be a great experience for your team, he also joined this year' he said in a calm voice,
I just nodded, ' come in here August' said the commander as the door opened I was greeted by shimmering blue eyes, the guy was a bit taller than me, he had the perfect autumn hair colour, he was perfect and ....wait why am I thinking about him like this ...seriusly get a grip girl, I shook of my thoughts just to be replaced of how perfect his body looked......okay what the hell is wrong with you Mykaela , just stop thinking about him and get back to the serious talk.
'From today you will be working together, so please get along, also August now you are also a captain of Captain Morris squad, I hope you two will get along.
'Also next week you will be going on missions so do some training, that is all, you may be dismissed 'said commander.
We both nodded and left his office.

Thank you for reading chapter 3

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