Chapter 5

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Mykaela's P.O.V
It was pretty late when we got back from the HQ and right now August was bringing his horse to to the stables.

"fallow me I'll introduce you to my idiotic squad " i said, hw just nodded.After walking what seemed forever I finally reached the living room where my squad would hang out in the evening,
I was about to open the door when I heard Sophia say 'why do you think captain Morris always acts so cold?'
'hey my angel doesn't act cold its just her mysterious, beautiful aura that makes her seem cold'
Christian said, okay why the hell are they talking about me, I totally forgot about August who proably heard the whole conversation...just great ..*sigh.
I opened the door and my squad stood up and greeted me 'Good evening Captain Morris' they said, "good evening" I answered back.
"Listen up guys as of today there will be one more captain in this team, I would like you to meet Captain Bayard"
'Nice to meet you Captain' they answered.
'Anyway this is Christian, Sophia, Elizebeth, Lucian, Nathan, Blake and Angus.

'Captain Bayard, fallow me I'll show you to your room' I said
"Anyway it was nice to meet everyone, we'll talk tommorow goodnight" he said and fallowed me, I was walking in front of him when I stopped beside my room and said, "this is my room if you need anything come here" he nodded
I pointed my finger from right across my room to an opposite direction and said "this is your room " then I said goodnight and went to my room.
I got changed in my pyjamas
looked at the picture of my parents on the bed side table and said goodnight to them and drifted into a peaceful sleep.

Thank You for reading chapter 5 of " A Ray Of Light "

(stay safe)

And don't play with fireworks

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