Chapter 10

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As I woke up I noticed August sleeping beside me.
I slowly got out of the bed and went outside.

I took a bow that was in the stable it was once my fathers bow, I found some arrows and went out to hunt for food.

-After a while-

A deer was wondering around the forest grazing the grass, minding its own buisness.

I was hungry but not that hungry that I would eat a deer and by the way I wouldn't shoot it.

I shot two rabbits that were hoping around.

Then came back to the house and put the pot to boil I was going to make rabbit stew one of my mom's favourite recipes.

The stew was nearly done when I decided to go and wake August up, but decided to be a bit mean to him I went outside to a near stream and caught small frogs.

Well this is his fault for sleeping so long, I lifted his shirt and noticed a scar that looked like a wolf's claw "must've been painful", I decided to continue with my little prank and dropped the frogs on him, he jumped out of the bed " What the hell Mykaela "

"Haha, good morning to you too sleepy head
I made rabbit stew, I hope you'll like it "

'now that you mentioned it, I'm starving, by the way how's your wound?'

"I'm fine August, thanks for taking care of me"

'You are most welcome m'lady 'August said jokingly .

"Stop joking August, I'm definitely not a lady"

She laughed...


Mykaela sat down and August looked at her, he knew it was the time to tell her but he was hesitating, she would proably call me crazy but I have to tell her, sigh..

"why are you sighing, is there something wrong?" Mykaela asked

"listen Mykaela we have to talk.
It might be hard to understand and you might call me crazy but this is important"

"Okay" she said

"This is something I have been told to do by, no actually I have promised... Promised to your brother"

"Brother?, I don't have a brother"

"Listen to me, I know it might be hard to understand but I have promised your brother Levi Wisteria that I would protect you."

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