67) Failed Fistbumps

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A/N) Where Shellington tries to get advice on fistbumps from the two masters of it - and it doesn't go quite as well as he had  hoped.

Online: All4Fun, CallMeCaptain, DynamicDiscoveries

All4Fun: Mission complete!

CallMeCaptain: wow, that was pretty tiring, but we did it!

All4Fun: together, as always, Captain :)

CallMeCaptain: my polar bear strength

All4Fun: and my cat-like quickness

CallMeCaptain: to get the job done!

All4Fun: victorious fistbump?

CallMeCaptain: but of course :)

DynamicDicoveries: *sigh*

CallMeCaptain: oh hey, Shellington, didn't realise you were online

All4Fun: we just got back from an epic battle with -

CallMeCaptain: basically, we just rescued creatures from a collapsing cave

All4Fun: that's what I was about to say...

DynamicDiscoveries: i'm guessing you two just did an awesome looking fistbump to show how well you worked together to save all the creatures?

All4Fun: uh huh

DynamicDiscoveries: ...

CallMeCaptain: what's the matter, Shellington?

DynamicDiscoveries: when you two do fistbumps like that, they look cool

DynamicDiscoveries: when I do them, they either just miss, look really lame or I end up punching someone in the face

All4Fun: No kidding

All4Fun: the one time I ever tried to give Shellington a victorious fistbump after we (finally) beat the girls at table tennis

All4Fun: he ended up whacking me in the nose with an over-enthusiastic fist

DynamicDiscoveries: hehe... yeah sorry about that

All4Fun: and don't even get me started on high fives

CallMeCaptain: I guess just some things weren't designed for some people to do

DynamicDiscoveries: but everything comes with practice, right? If that's true, why can't I get any better at the deceptively difficult fistbump? I've tried hard enough

All4Fun: maybe you're trying too hard

DynamicDiscoveries: it comes as an annoying side effect of having no hand-eye coordination

DynamicDiscoveries: how can I be bad at fistbumps?

DynamicDiscoveries: it's not even a proper skill

All4Fun: yet somehow you manage it

DynamicDiscoveries: I understand the theory behind them, after all

DynamicDiscoveries: I understand that for the procedure to work effectively, both participants have to meet closed fists at the right angle and trajectory, not with too much force or too little force

All4Fun: whoa no sciency talk, please

All4Fun: now I know you're definitely taking this whole thing too seriously

All4Fun: and I understand that for a fistbump to work, one of the participants just mustn't be you

DynamicDiscoveries: yeah I guess so

DynamicDiscoveries: but maybe I just need practice at them

DynamicDiscoveries: do you think anyone would be willing to help me with them?

All4Fun: nuh uh, not me

All4Fun: I have no wish to get repeatedly accidentally hit in the face by flying fists

All4Fun: I've only just got my whiskers to lie straight again after the last time

DynamicDiscoveries: hehe yeah ...

CallMeCaptain: maybe just stick to waving, Shel

CallMeCaptain: safer, and can be done over a longer distance so less chance of injury

All4Fun: probably best just to leave the fistbumps to us

DynamicDiscoveries: I guess you're right... :)

A/N) Feeling random :D

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