Chapter 6

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This is my last update for a little while. I'm going to camp this week, and they don't allow cell phone use. -_-

So yeah. Enjoy (:

(I take it back. These POV changes are going to have to happen a lot more often than I originally thought!)

Chapter 6

Ponyboy's POV

I don't really know how everyone's working around this whole baby thing. I know Darry's been avoiding me for this past week. I knew he could never stand me, but completely shutting me out isn't gonna help anyone. Everyone else is pretty much in to help.

Now me and JT are getting ready for school. I always smile when I look at her. I can't help it. It's so funny to think I love her, and she's having my kid, and we're okay with it. Maybe I could marry her one day...

"Ponyboy, I wanna talk to you," Darry says. Finally. I think to myself this will be an apology. Boy, was I wrong.

"I don't think JT ought to stay here," he says quietly.

"What? Why?"

"We don't know how to take care of a baby, and we can't just keep taking people in. We ain't some motel service, Ponyboy. It ain't fair for me and Soda to work even harder to support a mess we ain't even in."

"Then I'll quit school and get a job. It can't be that hard taking care of a baby," I argue.

"You're staying in school. Ponyboy, we can't just keep letting people in. It's her problem and not our business."

"It is our business, Darry! It's my baby and your niece or nephew. Soda's too. We're a family, and we stick together. You wouldn't kick out family, would you?" Darry stares at me with shock written all over his face. JT comes in the room. Me and Darry stare at each other before I start to turn the other way.

"C'mon JT. We gotta go to school," I say. She grabs her books and dashes out the door behind me.

"Ponyboy? What was that all about?" she asks, walking quickly to catch up to me.

"Nothing. Forget it."

"I can't. Just tell me."

"It was just Darry being Darry again," I tell her. She sighs.

"Alright." We walk for a few feet in silence. She speaks up again. "I really feel bad about this..."

"About what?"

"Everyone's turning on us. I feel like they think they can't get near me or anything because I'm 'fragile' or something. I don't know, Pony. It's like they can't accept it like me and you did," she explains.

"Don't talk like that. They're excited and scared at the same time. I am, that's for sure. I've never really held a baby before. Pretty soon, I'm gonna have to do it all the time. It's a big change for all of us."

"I guess so. I'm scared too. I've never really been around a baby much either, but soon I'm gonna be a mom. I wish I could ask my own what to do," she says.

"Then why don't you?"

"She's in Texas. It's bad enough my dad died on her. Now having a teenage daughter having a baby ain't much better on her. She probably won't care if I told her at all."

"Maybe not."

"Yeah. Whatever... Hey where's Two-Bit and Johnny?" she asks.

"Probably already there. We're late. C'mon, let's get going." I grab her hand. She blinks, startled, then smiles.

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