Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

• A week later •

We brought Baby home from the hospital today. Ponyboy, Darry, Soda, and I walk in the door as I hold Baby in my arms. This is my first time being back. I've been in the hospital somewhat in recovery, but that doesn't matter. I'm home now. We're home.

I walk in to see pink everywhere. Pink bags with pink clothes. Pink, pink, pink. Good lord.

"Now who brought all this pink in here?" I ask.

"Ask your co-workers," Soda says from behind me.

"You mean they gave me all this stuff?"

"Yup. All Baby's."

"Hey, looky here," Steve says. "They found this crib to give you."

"Here's a bunch of diapers. You'll need 'em for sure," Dally adds negatively.

"You're overwhelming me. Hang on, and I'll go through everything here," I tell them.

"That is if you can walk through the living room," Darry tells me, moving things out of the way. I step over little things and sit on the couch.

"Look, Baby. All your uncles," I say quietly. Her little eyes are open again. They're such a vibrant green with gray speckled in the middle of them. She's got her dad's eyes. She really does look like a doll.

"Does anyone want to hold her?" I ask. They all step back a little. Expect Pony. He sits right next to me. I think he's getting the hang of this dad thing. It'll get more challenging though. He just doesn't know that yet.

"Dang, my little brother with his own kid. I can't get over it," Darry mumbles.

"Yeah, neither can I," Soda agrees.

"Shoot, think how I feel," Ponyboy argues. I laugh.

"So how does this baby thing work?" Steve asks.

"Well she eats, sleeps, and does pretty much everything else we do. She just needs a little extra help, don't you sweetheart?" I reply, beginning to talk to Baby. She looks like she's smiling up at me.

"Hey JT, can I hold her?" Soda asks. I nod and gently place her in his arms. She immediately falls asleep.

"Looks like someone likes you already," I tell him. He laughs quietly.

"No kidding. She's so little."

"I know. I guess she'll end up that way," I tell him. He smiles widely down at her.

"Oh well."

"Oh and whoever she wakes up on, they have to deal with her," I say. Baby reaches her arms in the air, and it looks like she's reaching for me. Soda gently places her in my arms. I sit on the couch again.

"JT, do you want me to move that crib in your room?" Darry asks.

"Would you mind?" I ask. He shakes his head. Pony and Soda help carry it into the other room. It was so nice of Carol and Ms. Hazel to give it to me. And that includes everything else too.

"Alright, y'all hungry?" Darry asks as he comes out of the room. He claps his hands together.

"I'm starved. Hospital food is gross," I complain. Everyone laughs a little.

"Y'all clean up that mess in there, and you can stay for supper."

Even though I feel alright about this, I'm still so confused. So many questions are running through my mind at the moment. What if I don't take good care of her? What if I'm not a good enough mom? What if...? I could go on and on. I guess I should just trust myself for once.

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