Chapter 5

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Part 1


Here I am sitting on my bed crying my eyes out in front of a nigga because of the same nigga. I swore to myself I wouldn't ever cry in front of no nigga especially if he's the reason I'm crying like some bitch. Yet, I always seem to cry in front of him...

"So you're telling me you got her pregnant?!" I yelled out at him, my heart broke to even say that shit. Let me take y'all back a few hours ago...

I woke up to Jayson in bed, this has been a first time something like this has happened and it felt good. Kayson slept the whole entire night and I feel so rested for once in my life since Kayson has been born. But somehow I knew my day wouldn't end as well as it started.

I grabbed the baby monitor off of the night stand and entered the bathroom. I need to take a relaxing shower for once in a long time. It's was around 7 o'clock and Kayson wasn't schedule to wake up until 8:30. 

After showering, I went towards the tub and started to run the bath. I know, weird to take a show then soak in a bath. Nobody wants to sit in dirty water... So shower then bathe.

I started to hear Kayson whining through the monitor and my skin was starting to wrinkle so I knew it was time to get out. Listening through the monitor I heard Jayson talking to him and it brought tears to my eyes. For one I could hear Kayson giggles as Jayson talked to him, it's been so long since Kayson laughed like that. I could hear mumble stuff back to him, like they're talking to each other and he knows what he's saying and two I knew some fucked up shit was bound to happen by what he said.

"Hey my big man, I missed you. I'm here to stay as long as mommy doesn't get really angry at what I have to tell her. I really hope everything works out right. I missed you and I missed mommy. I love you Kayson."

After getting out of the shower I put on my purple matching bra and panty set and threw a robe on. Entering the kitchen I saw Jayson making breakfast while Kayson was in his walker, "good morning" I spoke to Jayson while walking over to Kayson.

"Hey mama's baby, you want to go see grandma today? My baby wants to go to grandma's" he began to giggle and laugh up a storm. I knew he didn't understand a damn thing I said but to see the smile on his face made me laugh.

I looked over at Jayson to see him staring at me and I knew we had to talk, but I wasn't going to start all this foolishness with my baby in the house. Lord knows shit will be said, things will be thrown and who knows I might beat his ass.

Merry Christmas ! ❤️ I'll get better with the updates 😩

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