Chapter 7

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- y'all need to vote and or comment. I have over 500 views and little to nothing votes. Going back to writing short chapters 👌🏾

Recap of Cassidy's last scene

"Nah what happened to all that shit you was taking? Huh?" He turned me around and I surely did punch him in his face, making his face go red. Next, I slapped him and as soon as he hand released my hair I ran to grab a knife.

"Don't come any closer to me Daniel! Don't think I won't stab you. He came closer to me and as soon as he was in reach to me my hand with the knife went forward while his hand wrapped around my neck.

I refuse to be treated like I was with David......

"Help me.." was all I could whisper out.. While I continued to fight against his hold..
Chapter 7

My throat ache as I regain conscious, I knew I had to get out of this how as soon as possible. Daniella and I couldn't live like this anymore.

I hung up my phone from 911 because almost 7 minutes has gone by since I called and nobody has shown up.. I really just wanted to sit down and cry, but I knew I needed to be strong for my baby. I called the number that Daniel beat my ass over and told them to come now, I was sometimes thankful that they only lived a few minutes away from me..

I crept upstairs making sure Daniel wasn't in the room, "Bitch you stabbed me!" I could hear Daniel yelling from the bathroom and I knew I needed to get the fuck out of this house.

"Let's go baby" she covered her ears and began to whine and whimper because of Daniel's yelling.

Quickly grabbing her and my "escape bag" I heard my phone ding and I knew Daniel would be leaving soon. I ran outside only to see a black mustang pulling up.

I hopped in and started to hear sirens, "pull off! Pull off!" I could hear the tires squeak as he pulled off. I could see his left hand gripping the wheel tight while his other was squeezing my thigh somewhat painfully.

"What the fuck happened?" his voice was scaring me. He didn't yell because of Daniella but I knew he wanted too...

"Baby, calm down..." I didn't want to be driving on the road with him so angry. Angry people on the road = bad accident and my baby didn't have a car seat.

I know your wondering who's Daniella? Cassidy had a baby? No, I didn't have a baby, Daniella is Daniel's child from a previous relationship. I am her legal guardian. Her mother passed away her death is unknown, but when she died Daniel wasn't with me... Isn't that suspicious?

As we pulled up to one of his homes he looked at me like I had two heads, "you telling me to calm down?" He gripped my face and tilted my head up. "This nigga done been putting his heads on you, look at ya damn throat! You always telling me 'you love him' 'no don't hurt him' while this nigga beating you like you some nigga!" A tear slid out of my eye... As I recalled all the time he wanted to kill him but I wouldn't let him.

I looked down to a sleeping Daniella that I've grown so attached too. "This wasn't part of our plan Cas, and you know that shit." He groaned taking Daniella out of my hands, pissed off.

"You suppose to love me and you going around talking about you love the next nigga like I'm yo side nigga. What the fuck Cassidy? How that's suppose to make me feel?" I didn't want to laugh but his attempt to whisper yell was funny...

I think that made him even madder, as his hands touched the door handle ready to get out. "Wait! You know I love you with everything in me, but i still hurt from our previous situation... I never loved him, I cared for him but I didn't love him." I looked up to him with unshed tears in my eyes.

"Jayceon I love you, just you. No matter what we've been through. I love you."
Y'all remember how Jayceon look? 👀 picture of Jayceon. His fine self 😋 Hopefully I can update soon and y'all become active 🙄❤️

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