Chapter Two

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When I awoke, I felt slightly better. It had been a full week, seven days, since the incident, and I learned to cope with reality. Eventually, things started to turn out normally, except for one. I still had to plan the burial of my parents.

The agency told me that the money wouldn't be of an issue, because there were people who donated for charity. All the people who died at the car crash, an estimate of around 40, were to be buried at the same graveyard and a celebration of their lives would be held at The Plaza. Every family member would be there to share their story of their loved ones. That made me feel esteemed, because now I wouldn't feel so alone. I wouldn't feel like I was the only one let down anymore.

I changed into my black dress, and ate my breakfast, trying to savour every moment before I headed out.

Once I was done with my plate of eggs, I walked through my front door and went to my car. Twisting my key, I found a very disappointing result. My engine wouldn't start. Frustrated, I threw my key at the seat to the right of me and sighed. It was now time for some help.

Three rings was all it took for him to answer, "Hello?"

"Hey! Louis? I was on my way to the GraveYard, but my engine's busted, would you mind dropping me off there?" I asked shakily. Louis Tomlinson was basically my brother. We grew up together during elementary, but when high school came, we drifted apart. I no longer saw him.

"Erin? Is that really you? Wait, why are you going to a GraveYard?" He asked with a confused tone and a dialect coming from England.

"Yeah, long story short, my parents died at a car crash. Look, can you come help me please?" I insisted.

"Oh my God. I'm so sorry! But I'm afraid I would do no good, considering I live in Doncaster now, haha. Unless, by any chance, you live here as well?" He teased, nervously trying to lighten the mood.

"What?! You live nearly five thousand miles away from me?! Since when? Why didn't you tell me?" I choked.

"It shouldn't be me answering, miss. You haven't told me anything about your parents! Anyways, we moved here after elementary. I didn't want to tell you, because I was afraid you'd hate me for leaving you," he answered, rather glumly.

"I would never hate you! I just can't believe I'm finding out now," I breathed.

"I guess it's better late than never? Well, I have to go, I've got a business to run, but call me, alright? I miss the sound of your voice," he said through the phone.

"Business, eh? I guess, I'll miss your English accent, goodbye LouBear," I hung up the phone. I guess there were only two options now. Call a taxi and pay $100 for a half an hour ride, or call my cousin and endure a painful ride with him for half an hour. It took me a matter of minutes before I made up my mind, regret building up in my conscience.

"Hello?" I said when he picked up.

"Hi. Who is this?" He asked.

"Oh wow. Three weeks you just came to my house, and you've already lost my number, huh?" I scoffed.

"Oh, it's you," he spat, "what in hell do you want?"

"I need a ride, my engine blew up on me,"

"Way to ask nicely, eh?"

"Fine. May you please give me a ride, oh great Josh Devine, the best drummer in the world!" I yelled at the phone.

"That's much better, I'll be at your house in five," he replied. I could hear the grin from his voice. We hung up and I got out of my car waiting for the dreaded cousin.

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