Chapter Five

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"Zayn! What the hell?!" I screamed making sure I reached the top of my lungs.

He grinned, then covered my mouth, shutting me up with his big hands.

He was currently trying to scare the bloody crap out of me after we watched a horror film. Not really the best idea. During the gruesome ride on his terrifying bike, we both came to a conclusion that we would be watching Mama. Although it was a hard fight between the scary movie and the Walking Dead, he won, leaving me devastated.

I did the only thing that would make Zayn let go of my mouth.

"You're licking me? Aw, c'mon Erin! You can do better than that!" He said, devilishly laughing whilst sweeping me off my feet and slinging me over his back.

Struggling wouldn't do a thing. His muscular arms wouldn't budge. Once I felt like we were going downwards gravity, I looked behind me, over his head.

"No. Oh my God. No. Please no," I begged.

Zayn only laughed and continued on walking to the basement. He walked into the dark storage room, let me down, and ran out, locking me in.

I, being the scared witt I was, ran to the door and started banging. Twisting the knob wouldn't work since it was locked.

"Zayn! You better let me out of here right now! I will kill you once you let me out!" I yelled hoping he would get the message.

"In that case, I will never open that door," he giggled.

My cheeks flushed with anger. Although nothing could be seen through the dark, I was sure I looked like a ripe tomato. My back faced the door and slowly, I sunk down and hugged my knees. My childhood fear was the dark, and Zayn and Louis were the only ones who knew about my phobia. He took that secret for granted.

"Erin?" He asked, concerned.

I didn't respond. Instead, I broke into a quiet sob.

"Oh my gosh-" There were a few clicks and in moments the door was wide open. I didn't look up at him. "I'm so sorry! I wasn't thinking, I just-"

"Hahahhaha!" I laughed, which gained a narrowed glare from Zayn.

"What the actual fuck? You were faking? Ugh, I'm never gonna believe you again," he scolded me, shaking his head.

"Well, I'm never gonna tell you a secret ever again," I stated.

"Fine, I'm sorry. I just took your phobia as an advantage to scare the hell out of you," He admitted.

I nodded, "I'm sorry as well, I took your sensitiveness as an advantage to make you care for me."

Zayn furrowed his eye brows, "I am not sensitive! But I do care for you."

"D'aww," I gushed, pinching his cheeks, "I care for you as well."

Our emotional was interrupted by the garage door opening. We both made our way up the stairs.

"Erin! How nice of it to see you again! Are you staying over night?" Zayn's mom asked.

"Hey Tricia! I'm very glad to see you as well! And, maybe? I don't have any nighties though," I said.

"Oh, I love it when you call me by my name! Ms. Malik makes me sound old," she crinkled her nose, "Anyways, that's no problem! I'm sure Zayn's got some clothes for you right?"

"What?" Zayn looked up, meeting his mothers glare, he then mumbled, "Yeah, I've got clothes."

"Well then it's settled! You are staying over night! We've got the guest room open, like always, for you," Tricia said.

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