Chapter Six

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NIall's P.O.V.

The crowd was loud and my ears were getting busted. Currently, I was sat on a stool next to a bar watching countless woman grind on other men. I took another sip of my beer and turned towards Erin. She was slow dancing with Zayn. Of course I didn't mind, but the thought of Zayn taking over the bad boy role made me furious. I was supposed to be the one everyone feared, not him. Indeed, he did have the ultimate tattoos, and very impressive ear piercings, but did he have the attitude? He was about to be tested.

Heading their way was a guy, about 6 feet tall. He looked built, but not ripped. You could tell by the looks he was giving Erin, that he fancied her. I kept my eye on him, and waited for Zayn's response if the stranger grabbed Erin.

Erin's P.O.V.

Zayn wrapped his arms around my hips, "Why'd you bring Niall if all he's going to do is get piss drunk?"

I sighed, "He doesn't have anyone else to hang out with, and I'm trying to be a good friend. Or a good stranger."

"Pardon me, I'll take it from here," A man said, taking me out of Zayn's grip. He yanked on my arm, causing me to bump into his muscular chest. I pushed him off me, annoyed with the amount of drunks at the club. "Little lady don't want to dance?"

"No," I said gruffly. He made an attempt at grabbing me, but I dodged and went to Zayn.

"You know, pretty boy over here ain't gonna pretect ya," he spat. I rolled my eyes and gestured at Zayn for us to leave when I saw Niall's eyes on us. I quickly ignored him.

"Lad, you're drunk, you better get home," suggested Zayn, who seemed very calm.

The man just crinkled his nose and walked off. Me and Zayn sighed of relief. We never experienced a fight, and we sure weren't going to start one. Zayn spoke, "Let's head off too." I nodded and we made our way towards Niall.

"'Ey, Vas Happenin'?" Zayn greeted, giving Niall a guy hand shake. Niall stood up from his seat and took one last gulp of his beer.

"Nothin' really, are we ready to go?" Niall asked.

I checked my watch and nodded, "Yeah, we better be getting home soon. It gets pretty dark and I don't want to get lost going home again."

They all agreed and we made our ways to the parking lot. Zayn handed me a helmet, and I put it on.

"T'was fun tonight, let's do it again shall we? Some other time?" Niall asked, casually leaning on the hood of his truck. He took out a cigarette pack and lit one stick. I saw Zayn flinch beside me. It was still hard for Zayn to quit after all these years.

"Yeah! Nice to meet you man! I guess we'll all be heading home?" Zayn replied, giving Niall a strong handshake. I got on the motorcycle, behind Zayn, and waved Niall goodbye. He waved back and headed the other direction. I wonder where he's going.

Once we had made our way out of the parking lot, I took one last glance at Niall. He was standing beside big men, talking and laughing. I guess he does have friends... But why lie?

Zayn's P.O.V.

There was something off about Niall. Yes, he was friendly and nice, but something didn't feel right about him. He wasn't the most social person. I decided not to tell Erin any of my suspicions because she'd get paranoid all over again. Paranoia got to that girl. Whatever you said, there's a thought in the back of her mind telling her something's dangerous. I guess she just didn't pick up on Niall's signs. She was completely blind when it came to him. She never noticed the weird looks he gave me. She never noticed how his truck's back seat was covered so that no one could take a peak. And most of all, she never noticed the group of men he hung out with after we left.

As I walked Erin to her door, I was tempted to inform her about my doubts on Niall, but I shrugged it away.

"Thanks again Zayn! Tonight was amazing! Call me, alright? We're gonna have a three way call with Louis!" Erin squealed with excitement. I laughed and nodded, then left on my bike.


Once I came home, I headed straight to my bedroom. Shutting the door behind me. I had suspicions about Niall, and I wasn't going to shrug them off that easily, so I decided to do my research on him. More like stalk him.

I went on my Facebook and typed in 'Niall Horan'. After looking through multiple profiles, I gave up. He didn't have a Facebook. I then went to Google and typed his name up. What came up was only an article about Bobby Horan. I clicked on it and started reading:

'There were a train wreck of events that happened on the 27th of February. Many deaths occurred in one spot, Highway 66. Police did their investigation, and they informed us that it started with a malfunction of the train, causing it to not be able to come to a stop. The green light flashed and cars sped through the intersection without warning of the 100km per hour train that was headed their way. The first car collided with the train and then the second and so on and so forth. Merely ten cars were damaged, and more than forty people died on the scene. Some people witnessed what happened, like 19 year old, Liam Payne.

"I was just cruising through the road. I just came from Wolverhampton so I didn't really know what was to happen. It was all so fast, when the train crashed into the cars, and then before we knew it, a chain reaction happened. Cars kept crashing into the train, into other cars, and I believe one even crashed into a tree nearby." Liam informed, speaking into the microphone.

"You're very lucky not to have been one of those people," The interviewer said, Liam nodded in agreement. "Is there anything else that you witnessed?"

"U-Uhh, nothing," Liam stuttered, gaining me a curious eye.

I stopped reading when realization hit me. He knew something and he wasn't going to tell anyone. Something that might've been about Niall, although the chances were very slim. Now, I had to know what Liam saw. I was going to interrogate him.

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