Chapter Twelve

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"Louis! Get off there! You're going to get killed!" I was yelling at Louis, who was standing ten feet above me on a building. He convinced me that his friends taught him parkour and he was good at it now. Watching him on the building, ready to leap off and land on a railing made my heart pound. Not only was it pounding, it was leaping out of my chest! I watch as Louis takes slow and steady breaths, as if he's done this a million times. In a matter of seconds, he leaps into the air and is falling down, being pulled to the earth by gravity. He does not land on the railing. Instead, he lands on the concrete.

The 'thud' is heard from where I am standing. Immediately, I rush to Louis. He is lying on the ground, gripping his shoulders and looking in pain.

"Oh my God! I told you! You could've killed yourself! We need to get you to the hospital," I panic, and try to make him sit upright. Instead, his pained expression turns into one of humour. He breaks out into laughs and I try my best not to hit him. "What the-. You faked it?! Ugh! I'm getting out of here."

"No! Erin? Don't leave!" He says between his fists of laughter.

I roll my eyes and turn around as he stands up from the ground. He's still laughing as he catches up to me.

"C'mon, let's go to Starbucks. I'll get you your favourite iced caramel macciato!" He says. I grin and nod, following him to his truck and getting in.

We stop outside the Starbucks shop and head in. The smell of coffee fills my nose as I take a seat on one of the empty chairs. Louis goes to buy my drink. At this moment, I take my time and look at my phone. There is one text message from Niall, it read:

'I kind of miss you... When are ya comin back?'

I smile and reply:

'I might come back next week. Depends on how my visit goes. I kind of miss you too :)'

His reply comes one minute later:

'Don't take too long. It's boring without the stranger I met at the bar.'

Instead of texting him back a reply, I decide to call him. He picks up after one ring.

"Hey Niall," I greet him.

"Hey, how's it goin' in England?" He asks. Oh God, how I missed his Irish accent.

"It's going great! I'm reunited with my best friend, and Doncaster is just so peaceful!" I tell him. "How is Calgary?"

"Eh, could be better," Is his reply.

"Oh, how is Zayn? Is he acting weird again?"

"As a matter of fact, he is, but in a different way. Before he was just avoiding me, and now he's too clingy. Wants to hang out with me every second of the day. I wish you were here to break us apart! There's no end to this guy! He always wants to know where I am, and to tell you the truth it's kind of creeping me a bit," He answers solemnly.

I laugh, "That's Zayn for you! Well, he probably just wants a guy to hang out with. He's been stuck with me for the past few years and I feel bad for him. Listen, I've got to go, I'll see you soon!"

"Soon better be two days from now," he snorts and I know he is teasing. I chuckle and hang up, just in time to take the macciato from Louis' hand.

"So who was that?" Louis asks as he takes a sip of his coffee.

"That was a friend of mine. His name is Niall, I'll introduce you to him once you visit Calgary!" I cheer.

"Niall..." he mumbles as he ponders about something. "Niall Horan?"

"Yes! Niall Horan! Do you know him?"

"No, but I've heard Harry talk about him once or twice. Harry says he knows Niall's father or something, I can't quite recall our conversation," He answers. Who would have thought Harry knew Niall's dad! What a small world!

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