Chapter Four

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"214 right? Is this your place?" He asked, parking the car in front of my front yard.

"Yeup," I nodded.

The past hour consisted of Niall trying to drive his way to my house. Trying. We almost got lost in an alley way, and as cliche as it sounded, it was raining as well. Storm clouds managed to make it's way through the city, and lightning and thunder made it worse.

"Thanks for the lift," I thanked him.

Niall shrugged, "It wasn't a big deal."

"Alright, well bye," I got out of the car and waved him good bye. Heading to my front door, I took the keys out of my jeans' front pocket.

"Wait, Erin?"

I turned around, "Yeah?"

"Have you got a phone? I'd like to talk sometime, eat, and relieve my worries?" He asked.

I nodded and handed him my phone, in return he handed his to me and we both saved our numbers. Once I was done fiddling with his iPhone, he handed me back my Samsung and I headed inside whilst he drove off.

Walking through the door of my home, I heard a clicking noise. Did I invite anyone? Nope.

My paranoia started to kick in. I grabbed the first sharp thing in hand, my keys, hid them in my bra, and tiptoed into the living room.


I shrieked and turned around, facing my ex.

"Zayn? What are you doing in my kitchen?!" I screamed.

"I came here to talk," he said seriously.

"Oh no. Please don't let it be one of those talks where you want to get back together," I pleaded, earning a chuckle from Zayn.

"No, I just wanted to talk about what happened with your parents... Louis told me all about it and I just wanted to make sure you're okay. As for our past relationship, I wanted to act as friends this time, seeing we couldn't handle the perks of being a couple," he told me, concern fresh in his eyes.

"Louis told you?" I questioned.

"Yeah, first time he's talked to me in ages! I found out he's in Doncaster! I mean, England?!"

"I never knew you guys still talked to each other," I said, dumbfounded.

"Well, we were best friends longer than you and him have been, and he was the one who introduced me to you, so why wouldn't I keep him close? Anyways, getting off topic here, what are your thoughts about your parents?" He pressed.

"I have no thoughts," I lied.

"Don't try blocking me out, Erin. I'm here for you. And as I said, I want to start as friends again."

"Fine," I said, giving in.

We both sat on the opposite ends of the couch and I told him everything. Everything starting from the crash to the burial.

"What the bloody hell?! You ate dinner with a stranger and you let him drive you home?! What if he did some illegal sexual activity with you! And why are you smoking again? I thought you quit," He scolded.

"I was miserable at the time, alright? And anyways, the good thing is, he didn't rape me. I'm all good. As for the smoking, it just came up. It basically takes my pain away. It's the first time I've smoked since... We broke up," I told him sheepishly.

Zayn had a look of guilt for a second. He forced his head up and his arms out. I accepted his offer, and he engulfed me in a bone crushing hug. "Well, if you ever need a ride, my motorcycle's free," he said.

I laughed, "Still the typical 'Bad Boy Zayn', huh?"

He rolled his eyes. "At least I'm not the nerdy Erin. Which reminds me, I got something for your birthday."

I grunted, "I hate being reminded that I'm one year closer to death."

Zayn shook his head, smiling, and took something out of his study bag. He handed me the wrapped box and I started ripping it apart. Once the box was opened, my mouth hung open.

"You got me The Walking Dead series?! Oh my goodness, thank you!" I yelled, engulfing him in a hug this time. "Want to watch it with me?"

"I don't know, my mom might want me to take care of Safaa, cause they've got this formal party to attend," he bit his lip, debating over what to do.

"Call her and ask her if I can stay at your house instead so I can help babysit," I suggested.

Zayn followed my suggestion. After hanging up he informed me, "Yeah you can come over, we'll just make sure Saf's sleeping before we watch that wretched show."

"Zain Javadd Malik! You shall never, and I mean never, describe this show in such a bad way again, you hear?!" I scorned him.

He groaned, and I grinned, satisfied that I bothered him by saying his full name. "Let's just go."

Once we were outside in the pouring rain, I looked at the bike to which Zayn was seated on.

"Oh no. I thought you were kidding when you said you'd give me a ride on this thing!" I complained.

"Nope, you have no other choice than to take this transportation to my house. Like the time we went for a joy ride," he smirked.

"Shut up! You will never speak of that again!" I grumbled, sitting on the motorcycle, positioned behind Zayn.

"Speak of what? How you fell cause you weren't holding on tight enough? Or how you got embarrassed in front of almost 1,000 people?" He laughed. I hit him on the head. "OW!"

"Just shut up and go."

Flame (A Niall Horan FanFiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora