Chapter Nine

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The ride to Louis' house wasn't so bad. Harry kept his rude comments to himself and I was thankful. I felt ignored though. I sat at the back seat while they talked about soccer, football as the English call it. I didn't feel included in their conversation. Every time they talks about their friends, it made me wonder if Louis was still my bestfriend, because I think he found himself a replacement. I was jealous of Harry, I admit. I wanted to be the one that Louis couldn't stopped talking to.

As I gaze out the window I remember why I came here in the first place. I came here because Louis called for me to be here and that's final.

Outside, it was raining. The salty drops were rolling down the car windows as Louis parks in the parking lot.

He stops the car and heads to the trunk to get my belongings. Harry does the same with his own and I grab my bag. Louis leads us to an elevator and we get in. He presses the number '5' and the doors close slowly. Once we have gone up the lift, I follow Louis to his apartment. Harry says his good bye and leaves us to the door beside Louis'. Louis opens the door and we get in, shutting the door behind. Inside, it is very cozy. There is a small fireplace in the living room below a flat screen T.V. I take a look around and notice there are two bedrooms, one full bathroom, a kitchen, and a small dining area.

"Nice flat you got here," I compliment, giving him a nice English accent.

Louis laughs as he takes a seat on the couch, "Thanks. Keeps speaking like that and there's going to be cops trying to arrest you for having the worst accent." He teases. "The guest room is to the left of you, feel free to unpack if you'd like."

I did so, and began unpacking my things. As I take out my clothes and place them in a drawer, I can't help but notice the photographs hung on the walls. I stand up and examine one. In the picture frame is Louis and a brunette. Her hair is rather long and wavy. She is gorgeous. And they look quite happy together, with Louis' arm slung around her shoulder.

"Taking an interest in my relationship, I see," I turn around and see Louis leaning on the door frame. He makes his way over, mimicking me and staring at the picture. "That's Eleanor. She's my girlfriend. Well, was. We dated for quite a long time, 2 years I recall. But we both agreed to end it because she accepted a modelling job in New York."

"Why'd you end it? Why not the long distance relationship?" I ask, curious.

"I don't know, actually. I think we were just afraid to try. Afraid if we kept going that it wouldn't turn out alright and we'd break up over a Skype call or on the phone," He informs. My face frowns. "Well, enough of that. Let's have dinner! I ordered Pizza, and Harry's making his way over right now!"

My eyes widen. "H-Harry?" I stutter.

"Yes, the guy with curly hair who you met at the airport?" Louis says as if trying to make me remember.

"I know who he is!" I snap and then soften my voice. "It's just that... Why is he coming over?"

"Well, when I moved in here after turning 18, I was quite lonely. So, I got to know some people around and now I usually invite them for dinner to keep me company," Louis explains as someone knocks on the door. "Why? Do you dislike him?"

Louis gets the door as I tell him, "Harry wasn't so..." I fumble, picking the best word. "He wasn't very nice when I met him. And his ego is about as big as a whale's ass."

Louis laughs as he opens the door, letting in Harry. I roll my eyes at him as he hangs up his sweater. "I got the drinks and I rented a few movies."

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