CHAPTER-25- Finding out about Melissa 2

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Melissa: what do you mean life threathening

Nurse: well when the crashed happened it damaged your rib cage but that healed. But thats not your problem

Melissa: then what is it

Nurse: well when the rib cage broke it damaged the lung but the lung tried to repair itself but instead.....

*the girls come back in the room*

Maddie: mom is everything okay

Melissa: IDK sweetie but Brooke can you take all of them across the street to the playground and I'll text you when you can come back up

Brooke: yeah sure no problem

Melissa: thanks

*so they leave to go to the playground*

Nurse: so instead of it healing it got worse and the rib cage is damaged again.

Melissa: so what does that mean?

Nurse: wecan preform a surgery and try to repair it

Melissa: and if that doesn't work

Nurse: then we might have to do a lung transplant

Melissa: okay

Nurse: ill gp schedule it now

Melissa: okay is it okay if I bring the girls back I think they need to know

Nurse: yea sure just be very careful hugging them you don't want to damage it more

Melissa: okay

*so she texts Brooke....... here's the convo (m=melissa b=brooke)*

M: you can bring the girls back now just they cant hug me

b: kk Y??

M: I'll explain when you get up here

B:KK on the way now


* end convo*

Brooke: girls come over hear and listen to me

Girls: k yes

Brooke: we are going back to the hospital now but we can't hug Melissa

Kenzie: why

Brooke: she said she would explain it when we get their

Maddie: then lets go I want to find out

* they get back up to the hospital* *in the room*

Maddie: is everything okay???????????

Melissa: NO

Kenzie: what's wrong Mommy

Melissa: well my lung is damaged from the crash and it started to heal itself but then got damaged again so they have to take me in for surgery to fix it

Maddie: are you going to be okay after it

Melissa: they are unsurei

*Kenzie and the other girls except Brooke begin to cry* *Christi and Brooke try to calm them down*


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