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Maddie: I hope it will be okay I don't want to lose another one of yous already we already lost three and I don't want to lose my mom

Melissa: I know sweetie but I can't help it. Things happen theirs nothing you can do. I'll always be with you no madder what happens

Kenzie: how???

Kendall: in our hearts

Kenzie: don't you miss you mom

Brooke: yea we all do but we can't do anything about it. That's why we help and support each other

Maddie: Brooke you make such a good point but I just don't know how I will be able to do it

Melissa: you'll be fine you have all of the girls Christi is here and you have Abby and Gianna

Maddie: I guess you have a point. When r u supposed to go for the surgery

Melissa: I'm waiting for the nurse to come tell me I hope soon though cause my chest is really bothering me

Nia: do you want me to get a nurse

Melissa: yes please thank you

* so Nia goes to get the nurse*

* both nia and the nurse come in*

Nurse: now what's the problem

Melissa: I'm having really bad chest pains

Nurse: okay well I scheduled your surgery for tomorrow morning

Melissa: nothing sooner this pain is really bothering me

Nurse: no sorry I looked

Melissa: okay thank you

Nurse: your welcome

* the nurse leaves*

Maddie: I'm not leaving here till I know that you are alright

Melissa: if you have to go to dance then you go I'll be alright

Maddie: no I won't leave you. You never know what can happen

Melissa: Maddie don't worry I will be fine

Maddie: you never know what could happen

Brooke: Maddie come on

Maddie: no this is my mother I don't want to leave her and lose her in a blink of an eye and not get to say the last good bye as she takes her last breathe like you who wasn't their when she passed and only got to see her dead

* Brooke eyes begin to water*

Christi: Maddie what is up with you all of a sudden and how do you go and say that to Brooke you know she's upset and hurt enough

Maddie: how does that make anything different. So what that she is hurt isn't everybody what makes her different

Melissa: Madison Nicole enough and apologize to Brooke I think you need to go spend the night with Abby

Maddie: sorry Brooke and I don't want to. Then go down to the cafe with your sister and come back up in 1 hour

Maddie: fine lets go

*so they go down to the cafe* * 1hour later*

Maddie: Brooke I'm sorry about before I don't know what got into me I guess everything is just happening to quickly

Kenzie: Maddie's right I mean all the feelings and everything are piling up inside of us we are all going to explode and say something we really don't mean

Paige: she's right I mean with everything happening so fast. Everyone is going to happen even you Christi and Melissa I mean you saw all of it happen you are worried bout everything so it's bound to happen

Christi: true

* then the nurse walks in*

Nurse: don't mean to interrupt anything but it's time for bed. Melissa your surgery for 8 am tomorrow morning so you need to be up by 6 am

Melissa: okay thank you

* so they all go to sleep*

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