Nationals Part 1

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Abby: Girls listen their is only today and tomorrow til nationals. We need to make everything perfect especially the group dance it needs to tell the story. Now we know the story but the emotions you felt needs to be put into it to make it feel real and for the judges to understand it.

Christi: I'm clueless here. what is the group dance about

Gianna: Um.... ya the girls would rather you not know cause its a suprise

Christi: oh okay. I'll just wait til nationals. I'm just going to go looking around the mall that is across the street

Abby: okay

*so Christi leaves*

Abby: group dance then solos then duets/trios. I have everbodys costume so I want to run through the dances in the costumes. Got it?

* during group pratice*

Abby: Brooke smile your texting and taking pictures, Kendall point your feet

* after group pratice*

Gianna: Solo order Chloe, Brooke, Kenzie, and Paige, Maddie. Duet order is Brooke and Kenzie then Kendall and Nia. Maddie, Chloe and Piage your trio will be last

Chloe's P.O.V.- My costumes are so pretty. Every dance has such a good story especially the group dance, which is hard for all of us.

Brooke's P.O.V.- The costumes are so pretty. The group dance ones are my favorite. I wish mom could be here to see it but she can't. This is a dedication dnace. Even though we are all stressing about this competition I know we will do well

Paige's P.O.V.- I can tell everybody is stressed out. This is nationals. Granted all competitions are stressful but this one is different. This is the competition where we will preform the dedication dance that we have worked so hard on and means so much too.

Christi's P.O.V.- so I'm not allowed to know about the group dance. It must be really special if I can't know about it. But I trust the girls and what they want

Nobody's P.O.V.

Brooke: I love the way the dance is coming out

Chloe: I think it is a total shoe in for the win at nationals

Gianna: it will be as long as the emotions and acting along with the dancing is protrayed right

Abby: so the dance looks perfect lets move on I want to prefect everything today so all we have to do is run through it tomorrow. The one thing we will not run through is the group dance. OK? Solo time

* Christi walks in*

Christi: hay sorry to interup but I wanted to give something to you, the girls, and Gianna

Abby: what is it?

Christi: their pins that say " I know someone who is a victim of texting and driving"

Abby: sure go ahead. Girls listen these pins go on the competition jackets but I want them on the group dance costumes for the group dance.

Girls: ok

Abby: Gianna can you come here a minute?

Gianna: ya sure what's up?

Abby(wispering): can you take this and get it blown up I want to let the girls hold it during awards and after the group dance is finished

Gianna(wispering): OK

Maddie's P.O.V.- I really like these pins that Christi got us. They are true facts. It shows that it has happened to us and can tell the story about how terrible it is. It was so nice for her to get a pin for everybody.

Christi- I had these pins made up special for the girls. I know just how hard it is for the girls. I know just how hard it is on them yet they don't show it. I just felt that I needed to do something special for them. I got one for myself that is slightly different mine says " I know someone and am someone who is a victim of texting and driving." I felt it's just something that needed to be done.

Nobody's P.O.V.

Abby: solos then duets/trios

* so they work on all the dances*

*3 hours later*

Gianna: they all look extremely good

Abby: no pratice tomorrow I want everybody to be well rested and ready for the competition

Girls: OK

* so they all leave and go home.*

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