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* Abby's House*

Abby: girls come on we need to get ready to leave

Brooke, Maddie, and , Kenzie: okay

* so they all begin to get ready*

* Gianna's House*

Gianna: girls come on we need to get ready

Nia and Kendall: okay

* so they all begin to get ready*

* Christi's House*

Christi: Girls come on let's go we need to get ready

Chloe: okay

* so they get ready to leave. At the funeral home.*

Abby: excuse me sir

Micheal: yes can I help you with something

Abby: yes we are here for the 10 o'clock funeral

Micheal: okay great I'll be announcing it did all of yous write speeches

everyone: yes

micheal: who is starting the funeral off

Christi: Brooke is

Brooke: yes I am

Micheal okay well its about to begin

eveyone: great

* the funeral begins** they do the prays and everything else now its time for the speeches*

Micheal: thanks everyone for coming today as we say goodbye to Melissa who meant the world to everyone. I would now like to introduce Brooke who will open the speech cermony

Brooke: Hi everyone,
thanks for coming today it means the world to me and everyone else for you to come here today as we say our final goodbye to Melissa. She was loving and caring. SHe was like a second mom to me. I would now like to read my lovely speech i wrote for her.
Melissa I miss you so much you were like a secong mother to me and a friend who i knew always had my back. I will take care of Maddie and Mackenzie as best s I can. When the other moms died you and Christi were their to cheer me up. Now you are gone. All of this is happening way to fast. After i found out you passed I left I just couldn't stand it. First my mom then jill and holly and now you. Who's next??? But that's not the point here. Let me get back on track. When you were in the hospital it hurt we were told you weren't going to live much longer. When you passed away it bropke my heart i was so devistated. I wrote a song i want to play I know it doesnt sound that bad but it's what I feel the song is called " I hurt" I hope you enjoy the song. If you couldnt pick up the message it was saying that dance is my escape and helps me get out my feelings. Dance is my form of a stress reliever. Melissa I love and miss yoi so much. Rest peacefully in heaven and have fun with the other moms. I would now like to invite up Mackenzie.

Mackenzie: thanks Brooke. My mom was the best thing she was a second mom to all the girls. I would now like to read my speech I wrote for her.
Mommy I miss you and love you. Nothing will ever be the same without you. You always knew how to make me smile when I was sad. You are now one of my many angels up in heaven and I know you are looking down on us. You are the best mom ever. I would like to play a song by miley cyrus called " I miss You" This song just says everything about how I am feeling right now. Mommy I love you and miss you. I dance for you. I will truely miss seeing your smile everyday. I love and miss you xoxoxox. I hope you are in heaven having fun with the other moms. I would now like to invite up Christi

Christi: thanks Kenzie. I have seen everything happen. through the crash to Melissa struggling in the hospital. But I would love to read the speech I have wrote
Melissa we may have fought but we alwas had each others back. The night of the crash was an event I will never forget. Me and you were the last two moms left. You soon began to get get sick on your last and final surgery your body gave in and you passed. That was sad news to hear. You are now an angel in heaven. Hopefully, you are having fun with the other moms. I know you and the others are watching over us. I love and miss you. I know we will meet again someday. I would now like to invite up Kendall

DANCE MOMS- THE LAST TEXT-BOOK 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon