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Doctor: her what????

Nurse: her her heart rate

Doctor: we need to do something and fast lets try to hurry up and save her 

Nurse: okay

* so they work on trying to get her heart rate back up*

* back in Christi's room*

Abby: I think everything will be okay

Christi: yiu never know

* Operation Room*

Doctor: we have got it back but I dont know for how long though

Nurse: but we still have a little over half way to go

* they begin to continue the surgery*

Doctor: if it drops again I don't know if we will be able to save her

Nurse: we will still have to try to thoough

Doctor: we will try but theirs no way to tell if we will be able to or not

Nurse: alright

* less then a half hour left of the surgery*

Nurse: Doc we are losing her again

Doctor: Lets try and see if we can save her 

Nurse: lets do it quick it is dropping faster then before

Doctor: don't panick we are trying

Nurse: we are about to lose her

Doctor: theirs nothing we can do

Nurse: we lost her 

Doctor: you should go tell everybody 

Nurse: I will

* the nurse leaves the operation room and heads over to Christi's room*

* Christi's room*

Brooke: Is everything okay

Abby: please say yes

Nurse: No and I am not sure how you are going to handle it

Gianna: What happened

Nurse; we lost her

Maddie: WHAT?????

Nurse: her heart rate. we almost lost her once but saved her the second time it just dropped way to fast we just could not save her

* everybody begins to cry*

Brooke: I need to go for a walk

Abby: Brooke come with me into the hall

Brooke: okay

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