11. Children of The Barricade

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11. Boom! Les Amis are half their age!


(This first part was taken out of the entry for Jehan, and spiced up a bit. Yes, I know it may be classed as cheating but ~ psssh ~ I'm the creator ;) )

She found them grouped outside the old factory on the edge of Paris. Since it was summer and the city was hot, this was their most recent spot for meet-ups; on the corner next to the footbridge that led into the countryside. In the distance one could see the trees and green hills spotted with wildflowers. The old factory was littered with vines that seeped into every nook and cranny, the cracked windows turned beautiful as the sunshine shone through the glass, illuminating the cobble with all sorts of shapes. The break in the wall was just high enough to perch on, giving the viewer a wonderful site of the hills and also shielding the eyes from the blinding sun. Summer could make anything beautiful. This is where Les Amis gathered. Leaning against the wall, sitting in the cool shade, and standing in the light the boys would jest and muck about. It was an ideal location; they could go into the hills whenever they wanted. There was this really nice section of the stream in the forest where you could swim and also a grand oak tree that you could climb. It was a safer playground than the streets of the city, and also, they were left in peace to explore.

Courfeyrac and Feuilly had snatched the perch first and therefore were looking down on the others with grins on their faces, joking and prodding at each other and creating the most havoc. Lesgles was sulking against the wall; they knew he liked the perch, as he was one of the shortest of the group. Bahorel and Enjorlas stood, talking intently about God knows what, the rest sat on the street, scattered about in the shade. Joly sat with his legs crossed, his father’s old handkerchief pressed against his nose in a tremendous effort to stop his allergic reaction to the pollen in the summer air. He sniffed and blinked furiously; both eyes and nose going red. Combeferre had a book open, determined to study for the upcoming mathematics test on geometry, taking in every instruction on how to construct various triangles correctly. Grantaire was irritatingly reading over his shoulder, well, pretending to, as he did not want to seem irrelevant.  

"It's too hot!" Feuilly whined, fanning himself with his hands, "How much longer do we have to wait?"

"Until they get here." Enjolras stated, whiping sweat from his brow.

"Ugh, but we've waited for hours." Courfeyrac joined the whining, but only to annoy Enjolras even more.  "I say we just go without our lovely lady-" His friend gave him a cold glare, funny, since from where Courf was sitting he was shorter than him.

"Shut up, Courf." Combeferre said dully, not looking from his book.

"Ugh, just stick to reading your book, nerd-"

"I will."

"Yeah you better-"

"Guys." Bahorel stated sternly. "Don't make me come over there and fight you."  

"Fighting won't help." Joly chirped rubbing at his fevered eyes, "They're always like this -" Courf pouted and smired at the others.

"Oh, come on! I was just having fun!"

"Quiet Courf." Enjorlas sighed and sat down next to Grantaire. The black haired boy went rigid and red, trying to keep his gaze on Combeferre's book. 

"Hey, you know what? Where's Jehan?" Lesgles panted.

"Yeah, where is the flower weaving-"

"Courf!" The others said at once and Courfeyrac laughed.

"Joking! Joking! I would never say something like that!" 

"Course..." Grantaire snorted. 

"Hey! They're here!"

Joleigh skipped around the corner, Jehan in tow...holding a large carrier bag. She greated them warmly, eager to set out. You see, they were planning to go off into the country. Bahorel knew this little riverbank on a creek that was shaded by willows - one of them even had a swing. What would be better than to go swimming on a hot summer's day? 

"What's in the bag?" Joly asked as they all stood up and headed towards the bridge. Courf and Jehan started kicking stones, Grantaire dragging a stick along the cobble.

"Oh, I thought you all would be hungry so my Papa made some bread, and I got a few apples and a tart!" Joleigh smiled as the boys cheered. 

"Thank you, Joleigh." Enjolras held out his arm so she could loop hers through it, smiling at how she blushed so prettily.

"It's a pleasure - 'Just-Enjolras'," She giggled. Boy, did her hair shimmer in the sunshine, and her blue eyes were pools of happiness. She was always so happy with her friends.

"Ew, you two, go get a room!" Courf yelled as he raced Feuilly and Bahorel to the other side.

"It's nothing like that! Just being polite!" Enjolras stammered back, turning scarlet himself. Joleigh bit her lip and swung the basket. Suddenly, Grantaire took the basket himself and linked her other arm. Enjolras gave him a sideways glance, but Grantaire refused to look at him,

"Why 'Taire, thank you!" Joleigh smiled squeezing his arm.

"Ain't a problem, Joli. I can't wait to see the place Bahorel talked about." The younger boy smirked, he was missing on of his front teeth.

"I know!" Joleigh breathed in sharply, suddenly stopping, just as they were about to enter the grassy hillside. The other boys had run ahead.

"What's the matter?" Enjolrsa asked.

"Oh, well, it's just that - I've never been outside the city, for as long as I could remember... and I just, I really want it to be great." She said.

"Ah, well. The guys have just ran into the meadow. Have you seen a meadow?" Grantaire piped up. Joleigh shook her head. "Well, it's very pretty. Full of flowers. Jehan likes it, and I guess you're going to like it too. Smells nice-"

"And the creek," Enjolras smiled, "The water sparkles in the sun. And it feels amazing, chilling, when you step in. Sometimes you can see fish, the water's so clear! -"

"And the old factory is nothing compared to the trees you can climb-"

"And the swing, it makes you feel as if you're flying, right before you splash down into the water-"

"I swear it, if you climb teh willow, you can see the city-"

"Okay!" Joleigh pulled away from them, laughing, " I get it! Let's go, I can't take it anymore." With that she sped off, over the hill, loveing how the soft grass felt on her bare sensetive feet.


Well, this was a short one! Sorry, but I couldn't really think of anything to write! I'm so TIRED! But I hope you like the description at the begining. I was really trying to 'set the scene' if you get me? So, I spent a lot of time on that, haha...I need a life...

-Kat/Grantaire xx

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