13. Cosette

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13. The reaction of Les Amis meeting the 'beautiful' Cosette that stole foolish Marius's heart for the first time! 


"Are you ready, dear?"  She called from downstairs, waiting patiently by the door of their grand house. Marius was pacing up and down the hallway, thinking and worrying as he usually did. He caught a glance of himself in the mirror and stopped to fix his cravat and his light brown hair... "Marius? Are you alright?" He suddenly seized from it and spun stiffly away. What am I doing? He thought miserably, Why am I so worried? They are my friends, they'll be as kind as they always are. Surely they will? Oh gods, I don't know! And Cosette, the love of my life, what will she think of them? What will they think of her? Oh no, oh no, oh no. God, he was starting to hyperventilate. Marius swallowed hard and sank down into a nearby armchair, breathing hard. He felt so terrible. Everything was going to be so horrifyingly awkward

"God, help me..." he muttered, almost whimpered. He felt so useless. Suddenly there was a caring had on his shoulder. 

"Marius, what is wrong?" Cosette asked with care, worry etched on her face. Marius looked up at his wife, into her beautiful blue eyes full of concern for him. He did not want her to worry, but he couldn't lie to her. 

"It's just," He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "My friends - they are wonderful people. The best I have ever met and known. And you - I love you so much Cosette, but I don't think that they'll-"

"Approve of me?"

"No! God, no! They would love you, it's just...me." Marius gave her a small smile. "I haven't seen them since I - since I ran from..." He couldn't put it into words. Cosette understood and she clasped both his hands in hers, pulling him upright. When he was standing, she wove her dainty fingers up into his hair, making him face her.

"It will be fine, Marius. If they are as good as you know them, they will have it in they're hearts to forgive and understand." She said cupping is cheek. Marius took a deep breath and turned his face so he could kiss the palm of her hand.

"I love you." He said as their eyes locked. Cosette beamed and stretched up to kiss him lightly on the mouth.

"I love you too." She replied, she then turned away and advanced down the hall. "Come on," She called back, an almost mischievous grin on her face, " I've been cooped up for too long Monsiuer Pontmercy and I want to meet your friends!"

 ~~Meanwhile on the other side of Paris~~

"Are you ready, dear?" She asked as she fixed her skirts in the dusty mirror. Enjolras was pacing furiously in the main room, storming from one corner to the other, thinking hard with an emotionless expression on his face. He was grinding his teeth together, and staring hard and the floorboards. "Enjolras? Are you alright?" Joleigh turned away from the mirror and stared at her finacé as he moved about the room. Upon hearing her, Enjolras stopped and gazed into the air. What am I doing? He asked himself, He's my friend. I should be happy for him - I was in the same position once...No, I wasn't.  I didn't betray anyone to follow my heart. Except my parents. But they don't count! I didn't betray anyone I loved. He did. But he's my friend, and I ought to forgive him. It's not his fault he's so dense sometimes... God, he was acting like such a jerk. Enjolras groaned and sank into his rickety armchair, a hand massaging his temple. He was stressing out, possibly more than when the rebellion fell apart.  It was going to be so horrifyingly awkward. 

"For God's sake..." He grumbled, his face now in his hands. He felt so bad - but angry at the same time. Suddenly, there was a hand on his shoulder.

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