17. The New France

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17. If Les Amis had survived the rebellion and succeeded, what would have happened? What would they be doing! 


"A toast!" Bahorel cried - raising his glass into the air. "To our new country and the new laws!" The group creed in unison.

"Not to forget, our new members." Marius joined in taking Cosette's hand and raising his glass at Étoile and Fortunio's triplets, and Joly and Musichetta's young Jaques; the four children which were not paying attention anyways. Xander and Jaques were crawling somewhere under the table with Gavroche - both hyper and boosted with confidence. Gavroche had explained to his little friends how he 'single handedly' ran out into the open feild and gathered bullets - running back inside the barricade in the nick of time - the boy insisted that without his collection of ammo the revolution wouldn't have succeeded. Xander - of course - belived it all and looked up to Gavroche as a hero. Jaques just admired the spirit, and liked the stories. In a sense he was.

His sister, Eponine - who sat between Anise and Furtunio was looked up to by Robinette - the only girl of the triplets. Eponine had saved Marius' life - something Cosette was eternally grateful for - by shoving a pointed gun out of the way, so instead of the bullet killing Marius, it was lodged between the stone of the wall of the Musian. She had nearly escaped with her own life - but she insisted that it was inevitable. She discovered a new part of herself. Eponine Thernarider saved many more lives - becoming a war hero. 

"And to our newlyweds!" Grantaire bellowed, surprisingly sober - well he didn't drink anymore. Enjolras had made him swear by it if they got out alive. Now, he couldn't break his promise. Instead, he helped with taking care of Marc - the last of the triplets (and curled up on his mothers lap) - who loved his painting. "How could we forget them?" He reached to arms either side of him wrapping his arms around Enjolras and Joleigh. Both of the blondes went pink and joined with the rest of the laughter.

"A toast to everyone." Enjolras beamed, standing up.

"Don't you dare lecture us about the victory or friendship, or any of that nonsense - I think we've all had our share of those."  Courfeyrac groaned sacastically.

"I think one more for good measure." Combeferre grinned - nudging his friend in the ribs. Since the success of the revolution, Courfeyrac and Combeferre finally got along; Courf even introduced the intellegent man to some of his 'lady-friends'.

"I swear it won't be long." Enjolras cleared his throat. "I just want to say thank you. To all of you. Without any of your support the cause would have failed. And I am grateful for that. With eachother - we found a way to keep going - and our reward was this." He motioned around the table. "A life surrounded by the people that matter most. Here's to hoping that nothing gets in our way!" He raised his glass. The others joined and drank their share.

"Also - if anything else happens..." Eponine giggled. 

"We'll just start another rebellion of course!" Grantaire finsihed her sentence.

"Yes, of course. And go through it all again." Jehan shook his head. 

"There's no doubt of that." Joly smirked, cathing Jaques before he ran off again. "Hey, you are not going anywhere."

"I just wanna go outside! It's snowing - Gav's gonna teach us to make a snow -fort!" His son whined looking as Gavroche led Xander towards the door. 

"Not without wrapping up - you'll catch a cold."Joly pouted and pulled off his scarf - wrapping it around the child. Jaques grumbled.

"Mama! Don't make me where this!" He pleaded to Musichetta who only raised her eyebrow at him Jaques gave up and sighed. "Fine."

"Hey!" Joleigh called as the boys opened the door. The three looked at her. "Don't be out too long. Gavroche - take good care of them."

"Course, madam!" Gavroche gave her a grin.

"We'll be fine." Xander copied his elder's grin, opening the door.

"Be back in an hour before it gets dark and don't get them into any trouble, young man!" Enjolras called after Gav. The boy rolled his eyes and sprinted out into the snow - followed by his two friends. The cold gust of wind that came in with opening the, shook Marc awake.

"What's happening?" He asked, blinking and looking around the table.

"Nothing, little one." Étoile cooed, smoothing down his hair, "Just your brother running off again." Marc snickered and shook his head.

"Such a weirdo." The whole table laughed at the comment as the boy curled back up to sleep. Joleigh looked at the children fondly - Enjolras noticing his wife's gaze. He moved over so he was sitting next to her.

"They're so sweet." She sighed, leaning her head on his shoulder. "Gav is great to them - he'd be a great brother." 

"Indeed." Enjolras smiled and entwined their hands. The couple had adopted their little street friend - Gavroche couldn't be happier having Joleigh for a mother or the mighty Enjolras as his father. 

"We could have children of our own, you know." 

"Yes. Now we can."

"All thanks to you." Joleigh smiled at him and squeezed his hand. "I'd be able to tell them all about how their Papa saved France."

"No. How all their aunts and uncles did. Their father was only the leader. Their mother a hero herself - for knocking sense into some of us." Grantaire butt in. Everyone laughed and drank to that.


Awwwwwwwww how sweet!

*whispers* If only this is what happened - oh god, made myself sad.

-Kat/Grantaire xx

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