14. Icarus

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14. Use a modern song as the base of this scene! 



"What is it?"

"Just - Ugh!" Grantaire groaned, miserable, his head swelling as he sipped from his bottle. Joleigh looked at him with remorse. "Just my mind - thinking bad thoughts as per usual." He knew that she knew what he was referring too. 

"Stop drinking then." She took his hand.

"I can't." He pulled his away, smirking.

"Yes you can. Do you know why?" Joleigh laughed and shook her head in disbelief. 


"Because I believe in you." Grantaire stared at her in amusement as he always did. Joleigh held it until he turned away laughing. "What?"

"Oh nothing."

"No, seriously what?"

"It's just that - you always say that. Every time you're here you say that and it hasn't changed for the past week!" Grantaire snickered raising his bottle again.

"It's because you never listen." Joleigh pouted and snatched it away before he could bring it to his lips. As the drunk protested - the girl gulped it down herself.

"Hey - that was a good franc you just wasted-"

"Do you know the story of Icarus?" Joleigh asked, still holding the bottle.

"No, what's that?" Grantaire grumbled - motioning to the barmaid for another bottle. Joleigh waved her away again and the drunk sighed. Is it me or do I hear singing? Grantaire shook his head, trying to rid himself of the irritating music at the back of his mind. What's that now? Some sort of pipes? 

"It's a who not a what..." Jehan piped up, snapping Grantaire out of his trance. "Icarus was a man in the Greek legends - he and his father were locked in a tower, however his father, Daedalus  was an inventor and built them wings to escape from that tower as he had observed the anatomy of the pigeons that nested-"

"Yes, yes!" Grantaire waved his hand at him, "Get to the point."

"The point is-" Joleigh cut in, "Icarus didn't listen to his father when Daedalus said to not fly too close to the sun or too close to the sea. In the end he felt so good flying without a care, he flew too close to the sun and the heat melted the wax holding the wings together."

"He died." Combeferre stated bluntly.

"Well..."Grantaire sniggered, rubbing his ear there were now drums in his head. What the hell is wrong with me? Maybe I actually have had too many drinks. "You think I'm Icarus?"

"Precisely." Joleigh beamed wildly and to Grantaire's surprise jumped out of her seat and pointed at him. 

Look who's digging their own grave,

That is what they all say,

You'll drink yourself to death! 

She was singing. Why in hell was she singing? And nobody seemed to care?

"Joli - what in hell are you-"

Look who makes their own bed,

Lies right down in it,

And what will you have left? 

Grantaire laughed looking to the others for support but they were all staring at him - except Combeferre who still had his nose in his book. Then they began to clap - other people in the café stomping their boots and knocking on the tables to form a beat. The drunk just look bewildered. 

Out on the front doorstep,

Drinking from a paper cup,

You won't remember this! 

Living beyond your years,

Acting out all their fears,

You feel it in your chest!

"How much have you drank?" Joleigh laughed as Grantaire stood and chased after her - trying to get her to sit. He was turning red from embarrassment. God, what if Enjolras gets back? The girl didn't seem drunk, just really really happy as she twirled and danced. Suddenly Fortunio appeared out of the blue - playing his violin - a cello player behind him "What is going on?"

Your hands protect the flames, 

From the wild winds around you!

"Woah!" He was suddenly grabbed by Joleigh and spun around - they were now dancing. The beat was catchy - with the lively music and the singing from now everyone in the tavern.

Icarus is flying too close to the sun!

And Icarus' life it has only just begun!

It's just begun!

He had always been a great dancer - when he was sober, but now? He was confused and drunk. Not a great combination. The worst part nobody seemed to mind! Infact they were clearing out a dance floor themselves - grabbing the closest girl and spinning about! Has everyone gone mad?  

"Joleigh? Am I dreaming  - this is insanity!"

"Just shut up and enjoy the music  - did you know how long this took to plan?" Joleigh hissed in his ear.

"Oh-" Grantaire blushed, "Sorry." 

"Just enjoy it 'Taire! And listen - you might learn something!" The girl laughed as they twirled across the dance floor. Suddenly they stopped and Joleigh pulled away. The music slowed. It might have been his imagination but the room seemed to dim and a sort of spotlight fell upon the girl. The people of the inn and the rest of his friends hummed the tune in the background.

You put up your defenses when you leave.

You leave because your certain of who you want to be!

You're putting up your armour when you leave.

And you leave because you're certain of who you want to be! 


Joleigh winked. The base kicked in. People pounded on the tables and clapped their hands to the rhythm. Grantaire was suddenly whisked onto a table. Everyone was now dancing on the table tops - as if nobody cared. As they twirled Grantaire suddenly understood and let himself go - slipping into the lively mood of the café. He laughed upon Joly and Lesgles dancing with each other and Courfeyrac juggling two girls at once. He laughed at the way Combeferre was seething a bright pink in the corner - hiding his face with his book as he didn't want to be noticed actually enjoying it. Grantaire let go and started to lead the dance - singing the chorus himself. For once, his mind wandered away from his thoughts of Enjolras - and he felt happy.

Icarus is flying too close to the sun!

And Icarus' life it has only just begun!

And this is how it feels to take a faaa-aa-a-aall!

Icarus is flying towards an early grave!



Hahah - I really like that song and it sort of fit the situation in my head! If you don't know who 'Bastille' are you have not lived - they make pretty groovy music (yes, I did just use that word!)

I'm almost  halfway there! Whoop! Whoop!

-Kat/Grantaire xx

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