22. Stars

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Guess who's back...bet you thought you saw the last of me! Promised update.


Nights in Paris are not normal nights. They are full of wonder, each night a different story for every person in the city. Away from main streets where the candle lit lamps fluttered and glowed, the night shone beautifully. You could count the stars, you could map them, graph them, chart them because they were so bright. Or you could just stare at them and drift off into your head. This is what or characters were doing a bridge away from the city under a tree in a field. Just gazing. 

"What do you see?" Enjolras asked, his eyes reflecting constellations as he looked above. His hands were folded on his lap, his legs outstretched and supporting Joleigh's head as she lay on the grass beside him. Combeferre was perched under the tree, a sketchbook propped up against a gnarly root - he had been charting.

"Stars," was Joleigh's sarcastic remark as she smiled up at Enjolras. 

"Constellations." Combeferre replied. "They are particularly lovely from our tree."

"Agreed." Grantaire rumbled from where he was lying, a metre away from the others but accompanied by a finished absinthe bottle. "However, if you're asking me...Enjolras, because of my..." he belched, "the state I'm in, I think I see a bear dancing with a frog atop of our great  King's head!" Grantaire cackled and rolled onto his back. Enjolras was about to retort something but Joleigh gave him a swift glare. 

"If you really look you can see Feuilly's face." Combeferre jested, twirling his ink-pen in his hand. 

"Oh, I think I see him!" Joleigh pointed at a cluster of stars laughing.

"To be honest that looks like more of a Jehan." Grantaire added, rolling closer to the others. Enjolras kept himself from mentioning the smell of alcohol stinging his nose. He had to put up with him or else Joleigh would be furious. Enjolras frowned. The whole reason Grantaire was here was because it was redemption for Enjolras because he shouted at the drunk earlier this evening. He felt guilty, Joleigh even more so, and it resulted in Grantaire being invited even though Enjolras had protested more when he appeared with the bottle full of absinthe. 

"If you look over there, there's an eye." Enjolras pointed. "Look; the iris, the lashes, the almond shape?"

"I see it." Combeferre nodded. Grantaire grunted. Joleigh sighed and sat up, then lay next to Enjolras. Their hands locked together. She turned her hair and lowered her  voice.

"Please try to get along with him, my love. For me." Enjolras gave her a reluctant look. Joleigh raised her eyebrows then turned her attention back to the beautiful sky. The group became silent, only looking at the sky, each in their own thought.

"Look at the moon!" Grantaire suddenly chirped. "Look at the fullness!"

"Yes, Grantaire, the lunar cycle is-" Combeferre started.

"Shhh...no science, just wonderment." Grantaire waved his hand frantically in order to silence the other. And so they went back to their silence, back to the stars. But no one saw the drunk take his gaze from the sky and place it on Enjolras.




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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2014 ⏰

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