Trouble maker

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Its once again another Night with Liam coming home late from a bar. He quietly steps up to the door. Using his key to unlock it and stepping in, he tries not to make a single noise as he turns his back toward the dark living room to shut the door. The lights immediately switch on, Liam freezes in place. Ready for another arguement. It was a routine almost everynight Liam would leave and come back at ungodly hours, get into an arguement with one of the boys, getting told he was irresponsible. Then get sent to bed.

Only this time it was done with that. The boys were not going to let this slide this time. Liam could get hurt, the next time he snuck out and they don't want that, if he got hurt they would never know until a call from the police told them. They wouldn't know anything about his location, nothing.

"Liam, this is the last time you will be sneeking out, do you know how Füçkëń dangerous it is to do what you keep doing? When are you going to start being responsible? And acting like an adult? Hmm? "

"I'm fine Louis, just chill out. " Liam tries to make his way around Louis but is stopped with a tight grip around his bicep. Liam turns around.

"I will Not chill out Liam, I mean it, this will be the LAST time."

"Louis its not a.... " Liam starts

"Enough Liam go to bed, we will have this conversation in the morning. " Louis said sterning, letting go of Liam's arm

"But... " Liam protested, Louis cuts him off again.

"I said Now Liam!"

Liam makes a sort of growling kind of noise then. Stomps up the stairs to his bedroom.

"Don't you dare slam your bedroom door Liam!" Louis yells. Liam doesn't listen slamming his door hard. Louis clinges. Praying Liam's attitude didn't wake anyone up Louis walks into the kitchen and fills up the kennel with water, starting up the burner. Then sits down at the kitchen table resting his head in his hands. The sun was starting to rise. Louis silently curses to himself for thinking Liam would listen to him when he said he couldn't go in the first place.

Louis thought long and hard on what to do about Liam and decided he needed to start out with some rules although he should speak with the others to the boys about this. They were asleep. He couldn't ask them for help. But he knew one person who could.

Picking up his phone he clicks on the persons contact it rings twice before the person picks up.

"Hello? Louis? "

"Hey Zayn. " Louis voice broke a little not seeing his friend in months since he left the band.

"Hey Lou whats up? Good to hear your voice again how are the others?"

"They are good, Zayn there is a reason I.. Called you, its about Liam. "

"Whats going on Louis? Is Liam okay? If he's causing you any trouble I swear. "

Okay before we get ahead of our selves here. Let me tell you something, Before Zayn Left one direction he was the strictest with Liam. He never actually discipline him but Liam was pretty scared of Zayn and what he would do if Liam did something Zayn or the other didnt approve of. But now since Zayn's gone, Liam is able to get away with anythings. At least he could, until now.

"Liam is fine, but yes he has been getting into some.... Trouble.... Zayn, he has been coming home at ungodly hours. Some nights he comes home drunk, he has even made the habit of smoking now, and he has a major mouth on him, Zayn, we need help, what can we do about this?"

"Well, Louis, um have you tried disciplineing him? "

"No, I thought about it but I don't know where to start. " Louis says with frustration.

"Look I realize Liam is 20 years old but... It sounds like he is acting like a child. Therefore treat him like one. "

"Do you mean like- time out? "

"Yes louis, Time out, corner grounding, mouth washing. "

"So if he is going to act irresponsible and a child we are gonna treat him like one? "

"Yess. And Louis if any of those don't work, call me okay? "

"I will, don't worry, thank you so much Zayn!"

"You're welcome Mate, have you made a list of rules? "

"No, but thats also what I wanted your help with, the others are asleep, at least I think since Liam's little out burst earlier, he went up stairs and slammed his door. I thought for sure it woke one of the... "

"Lou? "

Louis looks up spotting Niall in the door way.

"Hey Niall did I wake you or did.... "

"No, Liam did."

Louis let's out a low growl.

"Louis what's the matter. " Zayn asked

"Liam woke Niall up... I swear that boy... "

"Louis it's fine put me, can on speaker and we can all three get some ideas for some rules for Liam. "

"Okay. " Louis takes the phone away from his ear. Clicking the speaker button with his thumb and lying down the phone. Niall gives a curious look to Louis until he hears a familar bradford accent.

"Okay ready? " Zayn asked.


"Hey Ni Ni. " Zayn laughs.

"Ready to make some rules for our trouble maker." Louis asked.

"Yeah Lets start off with No cursing, that boy has a worst mouth then me and I'm irish. "

The room was soon filled with laughtered after it died down Louis grabbed a pen and paper, and begins to write down rules the three all agree on.

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