Chapter 7

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Louis' P.O.V.

Liam and Zayn had cuddled back up on Liams bed and fallen asleep again. I guess it was more cute then shocking. I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture of them. The slid it back into my pocket. Then I walk over to the boys and shake there shoulders.

Wait If they are sleeping then why did I hear mumbleing. Lost in my thoughts I felt something grab my hand and jump squeal (it was a manly squeal I swear) then the to boys on the bed who I thought to be asleep were laughing there asses off.

"Guys that's not funny." I said, a frown etch on my face.

"It is when you squeal like a little girl." Liam says laughing.

"Get down stairs before I let the others eat all the food. Then you guys will be stuck with eating cereal." I say walking out.

"Liam don't forget to make your bed either!" I shout. I check Niall and Harry's Room super quick and then make my way down stairs.

"Boys go ahead and eat but save some for the pranksters up stairs."

The two went to dig in to out massive breakfast but I stop them again.

"And when I mean some I mean a few of everything." I said I have to be specific with these boys or they think 'some' is just a couple pieces of bacon and half a pancake.

A few minutes into breakfast Liam and Zayn came downstairs. Liam had a frown on his face and it appeared he was rubbing is bum. I gave Zayn a raised eyebrow and a look that says 'what did you do.' He sat in the chair next to me and leaned over to whisper in my ear. "I gave his bum a couple smacks with my belt for disobeying you and cussing at me."

"Are you kidding me I just spanked him for that yesterday." I say a little to loud.

Zayn hits my arm and I see everyone looking at me Liam looked at me to tears in his eyes again and I can't blame the tears on the hard chair he sitting on not after what I said.

"What are you talking about Lou-bear." Harry asked. Niall smirked in a devilish way.

"Nothing that concerns you two so just continue eating please." Zayn says saving me and Liam the embarrassment.

After breakfast was over we sent Niall and Harry upstairs but held Liam back.

"Liam bud sit back down please I wanna to talk to you."

"Talk to me while I stand up I don't wanna sit." He said almost whinny.

"Come and sit on my lap bud you don't have to sit in a hard chair."

"Nuh uh." He shakes his head.

"Liam..." I warned.

"Liam come here now." Zayn says sternly. Liam compiles. What the hell. Zayn pulls Liam down on his lap then turns his body towards me so we are both able to speak to him.

"Liam, I understand that Zayn had to spank your bum for the exact same thing I spanked you for yesterday. Do I need to have another round like that with you for you to respect my wishes but I'll make it a full spanking with my belt instead? Because I can and will make that happen." I said talking loud enough Liam and Zayn could hear but anyone that might be spying like Harry and Niall couldn't.

"No." He says.

"No what Liam." Zayn says this time.

"No I don't want you spanking me like a God damn child!" He shouted. Well thanks Liam. if Harry and Niall know our little secret then it's on you now.

"Liam quiet down!"

"Noooo." Liam squirms on Zayn's lap trying to get away.

"Liam Payne if I let you up you are going straight to a corner for your outburst."

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