Chapter 11

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Simon and Louis' eyes widen as they see Karen standing in the living room. All the boys were tired up excepted Liam who had tears in his eyes. Along with regret and guilt.

Why won't liam just stand up too her? Louis thought.

"Have seat why don't you boys? liam be a dear and tie them up."



Liam shakingly walks over to us...

"I'm sorry guys." he then ties us up. Liam stumbling with the ropes falls foward catching himself his month was right near my ear i could hear him barely mumble something then finished tieing us and gets up.

"There happy now."

Karen swoops around quickly walking towards Liam. Her hand comes up the with full force slaps liam cross the face. Liam lands on the ground with a thud tears weild in his eyes as he craddles his right cheek.

"You seemed to be getting quite a mouth on you boy i would suggest you lose it before you say somethi my you will regret." she turns around again looking out the blinds. Louis and the others sit there wondering what she is looking for.

Louis turns to Liam as karens back is turn and whispers.

"Liam dont take that from her you are old enough to handel this. Dont let her taunt you anymore or torture you. Stand up too her."

"I .. I can't. ...

"Yes you can...!" louis says a little to loudly causeing karen to turb around.

"You little bastard shut up no one said you could talk!"

"I don't need premission from you too talk in my house in which you are tresspassing on, fucken psychopath. What do you want with us! Why wont you leave us alone!"

"Louis shut up!" simon says. More worried or what Karen would do to Louis then scold louis for the way he is acting.

"Shut up you little bitch this is your last warning."

"No this is your last warning leave before the cops get here because ive already have all this on record and what i mean by that is I've called the cops while you had your back turned guess you should have made sure we didnt have our phones on us shouldnt you."

Louis smirks. Thinking he has won this battle but boy was he wrong none of the boys expected Karen to pull put a gun nor did they expect for it to be pointed at louis.. Or maybe that part was expected. But they didnt expect this.

The minute liam saw the gun he hopped up attacking his mom to the ground they wrestled over the gun. Then their was a loud sound of the gun going off the two stopped struggling the room was quite louis quickly struggled to untie himself. But he did rushing over to untie the others.

"Someone called the cops and Ambulance quick." simon says quickly going over to liam his body limp. Simon gently lifts liam off of Karen blood covering the both of them.

"Oh my god .. liam liam did you get shot? please say something!"

"My shoulder..."

Quickly ripping liams shit around his shoulder. He orders louis to get a wash cloth so he could apply pressure. He couldnt tell if it was bledding but better safe then sorry. The sqwad and police quickly arrived Liam was taking to the hospital. The others followed.

The boys sat in the waiting room waiting for a doctor to deliver news about Liam. After waiting for a long time someone finally came out.

"Liam Payne." all five of them stood simon motioned for them to sit as he walked over.

"Were here for Liam is ever thing okay he is fine?"

"I'm doctor Owen, Mr. Cowell. Liam is very lucky. His surgrey went well he had a gun shot wound to his should as for the woman she did not make it. Liam was very stupid to fight over that gun but he was also brave and a hero. Cause from what i heard it could have been alot worst.two shots were fired one was shot into liams shoulder the other was shot in the other direction;towards the woman and it was shot through her heart."

"Oh thank god he is okay... Boys Liams okay. When can we see him."

"He is still sedated we will let you know when he starts to come too."

"Yes thank you." the
Doctor walks away. And simon turns around letting a sigh of relief.

Boy what a long day.

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