Chapter 9

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Third person

Louis stratch his neck nervosuly.

"Well uh you see about the Zayn hitting me thing.... We were kinda acting.. In a way."

"Louis that right there was not an acted he actually hit you and left a mark!" Simon fummed. He was beyond mad. He wanted to know why Zayn was back in London anyways especially back in the house with the boys.

"Simon, Liam told us Karen has our house bugged theres camera's everywhere and I'm sorry its a really long story and I don't think we can hold of the elevator too much longer..." Ding! Out of no where the evelvator started back up Simon and Louis gave each other weird looks. As the elevator opened up infront of Simon's office. There stood Karen with a mainance guy.

"Sorry Simon i thought something was wrong when the E-stop was lite up in your office. Oh hi Louis." Karen said a little more disgust in her voice. Louis rolled his eyes Simon caught a glimpse of Louis and glared at him. Simon heard the distaste in Karen's voice to him it didn't sound right. Although the woman did come to Simon with concern for her son. Simon didn't believe she was the cookie-cutter mom she claimed to be. He also began to think about the paper claiming liam wasn't to capable of living by himself or being questioned. Do to mental issues was real either so he was to make sure the document was Legal. First... He needed to take care of his 'client'/ son. (Since he basically did love the boys as his own)

"Thats quite alright Karen, Do mind if I have a quick chat with Louis?" Simon ask grabbing Louis' wrist firmly.

Karen, smirking to herself, knowing Simon very well and how he handels the boys.

"I have to remind him what happens when he interruptes one of my meetings." Louis' eyes widen.

"But Uncle Si..."

"Louis shush or we can have our chat right infront of Mrs.Payne here." Louis shut up at the thought of being yelled at or something else infront of Mrs.Payne, especially knowing the things she had done to Liam now.

"Of course, we can reschedule if you...."

"No that won't be necessary, we can talk after I get done speaking with Louis here. If you will excuse us." with that Simon dragged louis to a very sound proof room off to the right of his office he let go of Louis to lock the door and switch off the mic so no one could here what was going on. Their wasnt a single camera in this room mainly becaude it was specifically designed for Simon's "chats" such as the boys for example.

"Uncle Simon... You know I had to call you or..."

"I don't want to hear it Louis, whether it was important or not you know the rules, and thats don't have anyone interrupted me during a meeting. If it was that important you could have told Paul,who could have decided if it was a good idea to drag me out."

"And another rule you broke was cocking an Attitude with Paul. You out of all the boys should know better since you have been punish the most of it. Its always a reaccurence with you for the same thing Louis and I think I've let you get off way to easy when it comes to your attitude problem. Maybe I need to call your mom and..."

"No! Please I promise you no more attitude or I'll try my hardest to keep it undercontrol. Just don't call me mom."

Simon growls under his breathe. He knows how strict Jo is with her children especially Louis. Since he is the most sassiest out of the 7 kids. Haveing to youngsters and them being two years old they are going to start picking up on stuff that there older siblings do and she doesnt want them Learning disrespect she will have enough of that when they turn into teenagers.

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