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Ember White - 17 years old at the time. A private. Part of unit 7.

Julian White - Embers brother, 18 years old. Joins the marine core with Ember. Part of unit 7.

Lindsey White - Ember and Julian's mom. A doctor.

Tobias White - Ember and Julian's dad. A carpenter. A former marine, earned a Master Sargent title.

Master Sargent Kitts - a Master Sargent in charge of unit 7.

Private Cole - Colton Cole , Julian's friend he met in the unit. Part of Unit 7.

Private Hayes - Madison Hayes. Embers best friend she meets at boot camp. Also part of Unit 7

Staff Sargent Michaels - Staff Sargent , Drill Instructor for men. Julian's D.I. And also in charge of Unit 7

Staff Sargent Lee - Staff Sargent , Drill Instructor for women. Ember and Madison's D.I.

Private Smith- a private in unit 7.

Private Williams - part of unit 7.

Private Crawford- a "replacement" to unit 7.


That's the list of characters right now , there will be more obviously but those are just the need to knows ✌🏼️🇺🇸

Stay Marine Green 🐊


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