Part 17: Author's note

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Hey guys. This part is not a chapter. I'll just recap shortly what happends before Jean returns to Jared later that Sunday. Also the next chapter I'll write will be from third person's point of view. It's because I want you to get to be in both their heads at the same time. I hope you don't get thrown off by it. If so, let me know. Anyways, it'll be some time until I'll post it, since it's lots of details, and it will be a long chapter. So I hope you'll be patience with me...

Jean drives home to get her things back home, and to pack a suitcase for several changes of clothes. Jared wants her to stay with him until they leave for New York. She also brings with her some winter clothes, her laptop and her Canon, so she can take pictures and make a new article from The Big Apple to sell. She also makes a phone call to her mother, telling her about her upcoming trip to New York. Her mum is excited for Jean, wishing her good luck and a safe trip. Jean promises to let her know when she's arrived safely, as she always does when she travels. She also sends her editor an email, informing him on her plans, also asking him if it's something he wants her to cover, he has to let her know by Tuesday at the latest, since their flight is on Wednesday morning. She expects him to get back to her tomorrow already, so she'll check for a responce then. She makes sure a machine of laundry is done and hung up to dry,  her plants are watered and that there's no food that will go bad in her fridge before she leaves. She does a once over her small house, to make sure it's safe to leave for a week, takes a deep, reassuring breath, turns the lights, carry her bags to her car, locks her front door and goes over to her neighbour to make sure Mrs Patmore will look after her house and that she stills has her spare-key. The elderly woman reassures her everythinng will be fine, that she will empty her mailbox and water her plants while she is gone, as she always does when Jean is on her travels. They hug goodbye and Jean gets in her car, sends Jared a text and drives off to the Hollywood hills.

Jared confirms the time of the meeting for tomorrow for all the participants. Then he makes sure everything is set for the "playtime" with Jean. He has everything planned out and he is very excited. He told her not to arrive hungry, as he plans for them to start as soon as she gets back to his place. He sends her a text message, requesting what he wants her to wear when she gets there. He goes over the very last detail, checking his sex toys, and preparing the bondage is set in place on his bed. He had never been with a bdsm novice before, so he wanted to make sure Jean would be comfortable the first times they were together like this. Because there's still so much for her to learn. He doesn't yet know if he wants their relationship to be more than just sexual and that they are each others exclusive and confidants. He just knows that he is extremely attracted to her, both physically and mentally. But he is not sure about his feelings towards her, or her feelings about him. He just knows he wants her, to own her. At least for how long time they'll have together. He senses there's some sort of connection between them, and that's why he wants to spend as much time with her as he can, so he can explore whether or not there's something deeper there. He's just scared to give away his heart to her so she can break it. It has happened before. And since she got heartbroken, he must hold back until he's sure, so he doesn't come on too strong, things get very intense and he scares her away. He has to know her limits and what makes her tick. She's so sweet and caring. And he knows they care about each other. But that's the only thing he's sure of... He doesn't wanna analyze their relationship just yet, or make it into a "couple thing" either. And he knows she wants to keep things casual for now. After all, they met only four days ago, still they are so comfortable around each other. He just knows he wants her for himself, and he's not seeing anyone else at the time either. He'll be with her as long as she doesn't get sick and tired by him. But he's sure he can entertain her for a while longer. He sure is very much entertained by her. He shakes his head, hardly realizing he's grinning widely when he recieves a text from Jean, telling that she's on her way over to him. But he sure does feels his pulse starts to rise...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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