Chapter 1

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AN: Hey everyone, this is the spin off to Sanity Siphoned, I suggest reading that one first because there is tons of great moments with the lead characters from this story and you see how the friendships were built but you don’t have to read that one to understand this one, this one explains everything as it goes on. And if you are here from reading SS, please enjoy this and let me know what you think of the continuation. Lastly, don’t forget to comment and vote.

But all that they can see the words revealed

Is the only real thing that I’ve got left to feel

Just stuck, hollow and alone

And the fault is my own, and the fault is my own –Somewhere I belong.

Chapter 1

Nick was enjoying his college days so far, it had only been a week but he was sure it’d be nothing like high school. Sure people looked at him weird still, it was the hair, tattoos and piecings, they grabbed attention, but they didn’t pick on him for it. No that privilege went to his parents. They were actually his aunt and uncle but legally they were his parents after his biological mother died of an overdose on drugs.

He was walking down a long hall to his next class, one he didn’t share with his best friend Julienne. The girl was a godsend, the only person he could truly go to when he was in trouble. There was only one thing he hid from her, one thing he couldn’t even admit in the confines of his brain.

His next class was architecture101 and shockingly enough there was a familiar face in the small group of people; Shane Gregory. They knew each other because his younger brother and Julienne had been dating for the last year and a half. Nick had seen him at different dinners but they never actually talked to each other.

Nick tried to avoid Shane. Not because the he ever did anything to him, it was the stupid butterflies in his stomach. Shane Gregory was fucking beautiful.

Nick remembered the first time they had meet when Julienne introduced them he knew there was no denying he felt something toward Shane, it scared him. It was forbidden and something he had been trying to forget for months now.

He turned his green eyes away before Shane realized and took his seat near the front. The class wouldn’t start for a few minutes, students were still coming in.


Nick tensed and hoped this wasn’t happening. He turned to the left and sure enough this was happening.

“I don’t know you were interested in being an architect.” Shane said, a dazzling smile along his face.

His heart raced and he felt like passing out. He didn’t want Shane talking to him, he wanted him to be a shadow in the background, someone he could forget existed. “We’ve never talked or anything.” He forced his mouth to move and to keep his head up. As he looked at Shane he noticed that his blue eyes were lighter then Michael’s.

“True but we can talk now. I don’t know anyone else and we sort of know each other.”

Nick didn’t know what to do, his hands grew sweaty, how did he make Shane go away? Thankfully the teacher stepped inside and asked everyone to quiet down. Shane turned forward and focused on the class.

The teacher; Mr. Tyler, explained he was going to show the class a slideshow to discuss different building structures. As the lights were turned off and the projector started Nick found himself glancing at Shane.

Shane was enthralled in the different pictures and must love it to be taking these classes. Nick had never seen anyone share the passion for it he held. Since he was about twelve he’d stay up drawing different designs that popped into his head. Maybe he and Shane could be friends….no, Nick shook his head and refused to entertain that idea.

The slideshow ended, the lights went back on and reality was forced to set back in as Nick kept his eyes forward.

“Ok class,” Mr. Tyler began with a deep gruff voice. “I hope you are all comfortable in yours seats because they are yours for the rest of the semester. With this class there’ll be a lot of projects and I’m putting you into groups because it’d take far too long if you attempted these projects alone. I’m looking at four rows of desks, starting from the right look toward your left and say hello to your partner.”

With each word Nick’s heart filled with dread, he was in the first row to the right, to his left was Shane and to his right there was nothing but a wall.

“I guess we’ll have an opportunity to talk now.” Shane commented, being as smart as he was realizing they were partners.

Nick kept his eyes forward, he was terrified. How the hell was he supposed to be around Shane all this time? “Great.” He mumbled. Normally he talked a lot and no one could get him to shut up but here, scared, he was speechless.

Shane was smart, too smart for his own good. “Is it my hair or something, you look like you’d rather have someone else.”

Nick was being unfair and he knew it, he turned and looked at Shane. “I’m just used to working alone. Never had a partner before.” He tried to explain, cringing inwardly as those words could apply to so many aspects of his life. He was always alone even when he wasn’t. He moved his eyes to Shane’s hair, he let the dark brown locks grow since the first time they met. It looked soft and fell into perfect place as it swept across his forehead, why the hell would he think someone wouldn’t like that?

“Ok then I’ll try not to take your frown personally.”

Mr. Tyler started to speak again and explained their first project which would be due the same date next month.

They’d have to work together to come up with one design idea and make a model out of it, it’d have to contain one building and surrounding features, every little detail had to be completed from windows to grass on the ground. There was no way one person could do that in three months and the partnerships started to make sense.

The project would take dedication and they’d have to start right away. “My place or yours?” Shane asked when class was over.

“Yours definitely, I like your parents more then I like mine.” He confessed, he felt like him old self for a second; those words flew out of his mouth with no thought. He warned himself to be careful about talking without thinking around Shane.

“Yeah my mom’s mentioned that, how when she’s at the Tellers you make everyone laugh and she’s amused with your obsession with your hair.”

Nick wanted to laugh. “I’m not obsessed, just protective. My parents made me shave it all off last summer and I’m still upset about it.” he explained as they walked together out of the class room.

“With your eyes the green suits you.” Shane complimented as he motioned to the green faux mohawk on Nick’s head.

“Thanks.” His voice dropped and he found all his words running away again.

“Well I’ll see you later, just drop by when you’re free, I’ll be home.” he smiled and walked away.

Nick stood there watching him go while wondering how the hell he was going to survive this partnership with his heart intact.


Disclaimer: All song lyrics used on the top of this chapter and future chapters belong to Linkin Park. I used them for Nick’s point of view only. I don’t own them, do not sue me.

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