Chapter 5

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Something has been taken from deep inside of me

The secret I've kept locked away no one can ever see

Wounds so deep they never show they never go away

Like moving pictures in my head for years and years they've played.–Easier to run.  

Chapter 5

Nick knew he should stay away from Shane unless they were working on their project but here he was at the campus grill sharing lunch. When Shane asked that they have lunch together with those light blue eyes pleading he simply couldn’t say no even though his heart begged him to.

“What did you want to talk about?” Nick asked after their food arrived.

Instead of answering, Shane was staring at his plate. “Big fan of sweets?”

On his plate where pie and cookies, next to it was a tall vanilla milkshake. “Sugar helps me think and it also tastes good. I have a few more classes and there was some homework I skipped and I have to get done before the day is out. I work better under pressure anyway.” All the words flew out of his mouth before needing another breath of air. He winced and closed his eyes. “Sometimes I talk a lot.”

“I don’t mind.”

Nick opened his eyes and saw Shane smiling at him, the upturn of his lips had his heart racing. “The only person that wouldn’t get annoyed, I can talk more then what you saw, is Julienne. She told me she liked that I talked so much because she never talked enough.”

“You helped her a lot back then when my brother was too stupid to realize his mistakes.”

Nick smiled weakly and grabbed a cookie. “She’s returned the favor. So what did you want too talk to me about?” that question had nagged him all through class.

Shane opened his mouth then closed it as something else grabbed his attention. Nick turned to see why the sudden change then saw it wasn’t something but someone who Shane was staring at.

The man was about six feet even with wide shoulders and a slim waist. He was searching the crowd and landed on Shane. Nick turned back to his guest and noticed him pale. “Someone you’re avoiding?”

“You can say that. If I went my whole life without seeing that bastard again it’d be too soon.”

The guy walked over and glared at Shane. “I’ve been looking for you.”

“Joanna told me and I told her I was busy.” Shane bit out tightly.

The guy looked at Nick and scoffed. “You’re avoiding me for this freak?”

It didn’t bother Nick, he had heard worse; it did however piss Shane off. “Hey! He’s a better person then you can ever be even on his worst day.” His blue eyes flared with anger as he faced the man he wanted to avoid.

“You left me to be with a freak like this?” the man didn’t sound like he could believe what he was seeing.

Nick didn’t want to get involved but Shane just stood up for him, something many people didn’t do. “Yes.” He reached over and took Shane’s hand protectively in his own. “And you’re interrupting a private moment.”

The man glared. “This isn’t over.” He walked away.

“Yes it is.” Shane said softly, his face twisted with emotions.

Nick put his hand back at his side. “Are you ok?” the answer was obvious he wasn’t but he hoped maybe he’d talk to him about it if he asked. It was none of his business and he should avoid getting personal with Shane but again his mouth wasn’t listening to how his heart wanted to guard it’s self.

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