Chapter 9

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And give in to sad thoughts that are maddening?

Do I sit here and try to stand it?--By myself.

Chapter 9

After half hour of walking around the neighborhood with no sight of Nick, Shane decided to go home. When he got there he found everyone inside gathering in the living room. Nick locked eyes with him and glared. Shane wasn’t scared, he thought it was funny.

“You guys should get out of here before it gets any late.” Shane’s mom advised.

“Yeah.” Nick agreed. “Let’s go.”

Shane didn’t like the tone of voice he was using. “Ok.” He answered simply, he was not going to show any fear. Yes he was curious as to Nick’s plans but realistically he could take him. He said goodbye to his parents and received another punch from his brother before a hug.

“It’s almost nauseating.” Nick said as they walked outside.

“I’ve learned over the years there’s no stopping them.” Shane said with a shrug, he was just used to his overbearing parents already.

“I haven’t forgotten the water incident.”

“So?” Shane asked, he knew it sounded cocky.

“It’d be too predictable to get you back now so I’m going to wait until you least expect it.” Nick left that as his parting words as he got inside his car.

Shane led the way to the apartment Nick hadn’t even seen yet. He pulled into the parking lot and noticed it was just past midnight. He could sleep for a few hours camped on the floor and then wake up in the morning to unload the trunk.

He hopped out the truck and dug into his pocket. “Here’s your set. Fair warning; Michael guilt tripped me into giving him a set.”

“I’m too tried to care about Michael showing up to annoy us.”

Their apartment was on the third floor, two doors down on the left side. He opened the door and carried his suitcase over his shoulder. “This is it.” he stood back and watched Nick’s reaction which looked a lot like awe.

The living room was large, the biggest room in the apartment. Shane had ideas to run half of it into an office. The kitchen was affair size with clean appliances. Next he showed him down the hallway where the two bedrooms were. “One bathroom so we’ll have to share.” The apartment couldn’t have it all. “I know you’re a hog.”


“Here’s your room.” Shane left him alone and went down to his room. He sat on the floor and opened his suitcase; inside he had some blankets and pajamas for the night. He went to the bathroom, brushed his teeth and changed for bed. On the way back to his room he decided to check in on Nick.  The door was open; he picked inside and found Nick asleep in the floor. It looked like he laid down as soon as he walked in and didn’t bother to take off his sneakers.

Nick was sprawled out on the tan carpet, his arms and legs spread out in odd angles. Shane shook his head and smiled, Nick was certainly something special.

Nick jumped up from a rather deep sleep when he heard something bang against the wall. He blinked a few times and remembered he was in his new apartment officially living with Shane Gregory. He got off the floor and groaned the whole way, everything was sore and hurt.

He walked down the hall to go find where the noise was coming from.

Shane was in the living room surrounded by all the boxes from the truck. He turned and saw Nick. “Stairs, three flights of stairs and there’s all that stuff.”

Nick grimaced; he wasn’t ready to move all that furniture again. “Maybe we can just leave it down there.”

With a groan Shane ran his hands down his face. “We just have to psych ourselves out and get it done.”

Nick wanted to go crawl back on the floor and sleep but this was their apartment and they had to get it done. “Right. I’ll be back.” He went to the bathroom and got ready for the day. He threw water all of his face hoping it’d give him energy but alas he was still dragging when he went down to help Shane.

They decided to grab their own stuff and put it in place after they brought it up, something about two birds with one stone. Nick was too tired to care. An hour after non stop hauling of furniture he stopped. “We need food.”

“We arrived with perfect timing.” A voice said.

Nick swung around and saw Julienne and Michael standing at the open apartment door. More importantly she was holding a bag of something that smelled amazing and another bag that made his heart swell. “Cupcakes.”  He ran and snatched the bags free from her hands then sat right there on the floor to eat.

Julienne laughed and looked at Shane. “What have you done to him?”

“Nothing, he’s just not used to heavy lifting.” Shane was defensive.

Michael slapped the boy in question on the back. “You need some meat on your bones.”

“Oww.” Nick groaned, his mouth full of cupcake.

“Dude.” Shane snatched the pack of cupcakes. “It’s the morning, eat something to give you some energy.”

Nick glared at him. “You throw water on me and now take my cupcakes?” right now he didn’t care how cute Shane was, he was pissing him off.

“Not even a day and you guys are acting like a married couple.” Julienne observed, Nick turned his glare onto her and she just smiled.

“Speaking of.” Michael said. “You should make some rules before it gets awkward, you don’t want to walk in when the other one is trying to get busy.” Nick felt like he was going to faint with each word Michael said. Why couldn’t he shut up?

Shane frowned and turned his pretty blue eyes on Nick. “We should get this done.” Nick got up and left the apartment, he did not want to have that conversation. He was on the elevator on his way back downstairs when Julienne jumped in before the doors closed. “I hate your boyfriend.” They were alone.

“He doesn’t know you’re falling in love with his brother.”

He groaned. “Please shut up, I’m not falling in love.” He knew there was no denying the attraction he felt toward Shane but that was it, a simple crush.

“You’re falling in something…..and you’d make such a cute couple.”

“Ugh.” He groaned and felt his heart sinking. “He is perfect, what the hell would he want with me?” it didn’t matter if it was a guy or a girl he knew he didn’t stand a change with someone like Shane Gregory. It was heartbreaking to even think of. “There’s only a few more pieces, you’re here you have to help.”

Another two hours later the truck was empty and all the furniture, the couches and bed sets the Gregorys had given them, were all in place. Michael and Julienne left with Shane to return the truck and give him a ride back then would head home after that.

Nick was ready to go into a corner and cry, he was so damn tired. Instead he walked into his room, fell onto the bed and went right to sleep.

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