Author's thoughts and appreciation

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Hello reader, commenter, fanner, all you lovelies….

Secrets are my Sanity is over and I’m sad to see it go but I felt like that was the best ending for our couple, Shane and Nick, I didn’t want to throw more drama at them to face because I felt the inner turmoil from Nick to overcome was more than enough.

Nick is a character that came to me out of nowhere while I was writing Sanity Siphoned. I knew I wanted someone for Julienne to be able to lean on and I started to type and here came Nick, I didn’t plan for him, he just appeared and won my heart and all of yours too.

I knew I wanted him to have his own story and happy ending, I went though about ten different ideas but there was always the idea of Nick and Shane nagging me from the very start Nick was created. I hesitated to write this idea because I have never ever done MxM before and I didn’t want to royally screw it up. But Nick is Nick and his story had to be told the same way he was created; without second guesses and go with the first idea that came to mind because it always works the best.

So I started to write this and seriously I wrote the first 8 chapters in one day, they really did pour out of me and I was so happy to have that mix of what we all read in Sanity Siphoned, we still got Julienne and Michael, we got sweet Shane with that mix of sexy too, Nick our talkative friend and all his fears front and center.  I couldn’t be happier with this story.

I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to read this story and enjoy it, I thank everyone for the support to help me keep going and reaching the end. I really hope you’re happy with what I’ve done with this story.

Thank you all again,

Isabelle Arocho.

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