Chapter 15

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At the core I’ve forgotten

In the middle of my thoughts

Taken far from my safety

The picture is there

The memory won’t escape me -- Forgotten

Chapter 15

Nick wasn’t dense, he knew what Shane was trying to do and that made it funny because Shane was the one uncomfortable since Brent was hanging onto his every move. Nick hung in the background highly amused watching Shane and Brent.

“Your mom is a fantastic cook.”  Brent complimented as dinner wrapped up, the parents stayed in the kitchen gossiping and cleaning up while everyone under thirty was banished to the living room.

“Yeah.” Shane said with a forced smile trying to be polite.

“So your dad told me you moved out and got your own place, that must be exciting.” Brent kept talking.

Shane glanced around the room and let his eyes stay on Nick. “Sometimes but my roommate can be a pain in the ass.”

Nick wasn’t hiding his amusement; he waved and mocked Shane before grabbing his can of soda and heading outside. The fun was nice while it lasted but he needed some fresh air. He wanted to go home and curl up in bed but Julienne was keeping him here hostage until she was ready to go since he was her ride.

He walked down the porch and around the side of the house to lean and gaze up at the stars. It was a nice night out and he wished desperately his mood could match it. The night was going fairly good but that didn’t matter, there was always this ball of fear in the pit of his gut he couldn’t get rid of.

“Way to be a friend; leaving me in there with motor mouth.” Shane stepped outside and found him.

“And I thought I talked a lot.”

“When you do it there is actually a point and it’s kind of cute, Brent’s pushing my buttons and it’s like this every time he’s over.” Shane ran his left hand back and forth over his short dark hair.

“So you thought he already worships you it wouldn’t hurt to use him to make me jealous? The plan didn’t work.”

“Why would you think it was a plan?”

“Every time you talked to him or touched him you made sure I was looking. You can like and date whoever you want.” Nick said with all honestly, he knew even if it bothered him he couldn’t tell Shane to live his life.

 “Really? So if I left here and took Brent home, you’d be fine with that?” They stared at each other, green on blue, neither saying a word until Shane spoke first. “Fine then, I might try that.”

“You’d really sleep with this guy to get under my skin?”

“That’s the question; would it bother you?”

Staring up into his damn pretty blue eyes Nick felt his resolve slipping away. “Yes.” He whispered.

“There,” Shane’s voice dropped just as low. “That’s what I wanted you to say.” He ran his fingers down the side of Nick’s face. “You owe me a kiss.”

Nick’s heart rate started to jump but he didn’t move, he never could push Shane away. “Why?”

“You kissed me and I didn’t get to return the favor.” Shane wasn’t waiting any time; he leaned in and laid his lips over Nick’s.

As soon as their lips touched Nick felt his groin tighten with need. He kissed Shane back, there was no trying not to, with him this close there was no denying his feelings. His hand gripped the front of Shane’s shirt and pulled him closer.

Shane’s hands were slightly cold as he moved him up Nick’s waist from the breeze outside. He moved his hands all around his chest, sending all of Nick’s thoughts into a corner somewhere to wait until he was of sound mind again.

Shane’s hands moved lower next and kept going south until they were at his jeans. Nick wore them baggy and it was rather easy for Shane to slip his hand inside.

Nick gasped and turned his head away from the kiss. He didn’t know what to do with himself as Shane touched him so intimately. “Stop…stop…stop…”

“You don’t want me to.” Shane said full of confidence as he moved his hand at a painfully slow speed up and down.

“Yes I do…” he groaned as everything started to build up high and higher. “I---” he was silenced as Shane kissed him again.

“Hey, Shane, you out here?” Brent was asking from what sounded like the top of the porch.

Shane’s hand and mouth froze, his eyes opened and looked right into Nick’s and found Nick’s green eyes laced with panic and fear of getting caught. Slowly Shane pulled himself free and stepped away. “Yeah, what’s up?” he walked away from the side of the house into the open front lawn. “It’s chilly out here, let’s go inside.”

Alone, Nick slide to the ground and rested his head on his knees. He couldn’t believe all of that just happened and how damn good it felt. With no one around to judge him he let himself relive those few moments with Shane. He was such a good kisser, he knew how to go slow with a tantalizing skill that made you wish it never ended. 

So not only did Shane look like a natural born model he also knew how to please. Nick was getting sick of him being so darn perfect, had he ever made a mistake in his perfect little life?

It didn’t matter if he was perfect or not, Nick was getting into deep trouble with him with every moment they spend together. He couldn’t fall any deeper than he already was; he might not survive.

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