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     My name is Anna Grace and I live in Houston Texas. I wasn't born here, but I love it most days. If you were to ask me to go out, I would only go if it involved cowgirl boots, flannels, horses, or music. Dancing too because you can never go wrong with that. My family is from Tennessee, and I was born in Nashville. I'm what people refer to when they use the southern girl stereotype, with the "big heart." Wish my heart wasn't so big because it's landed me in trouble before, and god knows it will happen again. I'm 18 and I live alone in an apartment. I'm kind of young to be living on my own, but 2 years ago my parents died in a plane crash. Their plane was smack-dab over the middle of the Pacific Ocean when the jets malfunctioned. The whole story is very weird and still does not make sense to me, but I can't put all of the pieces together. My mom and dad were some of the only survivors when the plane first made impact to the ocean. I was told that they helped other survivors out of the plane, but as they were going in for a child they heart faintly crying, the plane's rate of water filling up suddenly increased, and they went down with it. Some days I like to imagine what life would be like if they were still here, but then I try to think about other things because it does no good to dwell on what could have happened. They're dead and I can't change that, so why would I stay stuck on that? I could live with my aunt and uncle, but they have no kids and would struggle to understand me and provide me with the parenting and help I need; I just resorted to living on my own since living with them would cause even more difficulty in not only their lives but also my life. Since I have to work and can't go to school, I really don't have many friends. I like to think of myself as social, but that's only at work when I have to put on my customer server persona. Anyways, I thought today would be a great day, and it was when I knew it would be my last normal day.

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