Chapter 2: Separation is Domination?

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Once we took off into the hoard of the walkers, I felt no emotion for these "undead" creatures. What had even started this all to make it so bad? All I know is a virus struck killing most of the population only to make them come back to life to kill and eat the living. I always saw this shit in movies, but wow did I ever think it would have actually happened. We walked for what felt like hours. We were all tired and I wasnt even sure of where we were going to. One good thing i guess is that Mark has stayed by my side pretty much the whole time and continues his warm comforting smile. 

   A random zombie came out of the tree line along the main road in the city right as our group was walking by. It came towards Brad, as he was the closest to the walker. "For f*ck's sake." Brad reached for his machete. "Why did the scent wear off?! You said it would be fine, Brad!" Mackenzie panicked. This zombie wasn't traveling alone either, when Mackenzie yelled it was a signal to the other walkers that they might just have their human dinner. Mackenzie screamed again, while she was watching Brad go crazy on this walker, one came at her. Oh my god I have to use my gun. At this point Mark, Carl, and Enid were fighting a couple of stragglers off together, so I realized now was the time to use it. I got out my gun and started shooting at the one near Mackenzie and emerging walkers from the woods. "Everybody, run!" I screamed. As we were running, a large hoard cut me off from the group. Mark and Enid heard my yell, and Enid gave Mark the look of 'Go be a hero today for this girl you've been eyeing all day.'  Sprinting, Mark weaved his way through a small path in the hoard following me. All I can hear are sounds and smells of actual death. The wheezing, dead breathing accompanied with rotting drooping faces walking towards me pushes me back to an alleyway entrance. "Find a way out and we will meet later!!" Enid shouted to Mark. Thankfully Mark's face emerged through the dead ones, his eyes having more depth than ever. Grabbing my hand, Mark and I went into the alley panicking to spot a way out. A way out, maybe even a way up. C'mon Anna you can think. I thought to myself. "UP HERE HURRY!" Mark yelled. I could barely hear him speak over the moaning and hissing walkers. There was a large, attached ladder on the left side of the alley that looked like it could break any second, but it was the only reasonable exit we had. Thank goodness it didn't. I went up first frantically climbing to the roof as Mark followed below. One walker was reaching for him, but he kicked it square in the face, us both watching it fall over to become a doormat for the other walkers. We got to the top and sat on the edge of the roof overlooking the walkers we had barely escaped with heavy breaths. After about a minute of processing what the hell just happened, I turn to Mark. He is still staring at the walkers that are below us, but then he feels my eyes' presence upon him. "Uh, I just want to say, thank you. I thought I was for sure done for." I look up to see the city skyline. only there is scattered smoke, car alarms going off, and no power in the distance. "Well, I wasn't going to let that happen to you," he said. "You did save mine and my friends' lives earlier, so it's just payback." He winked at me and laughed. "Touche, Mark." I say as I smile real big. "Well, we are kind of stuck up here. Look for a door or something to go through." Mark broke the light-hearted moment with reality, but I kind of understand considering the situation.  We were looking for what felt like fourty-five minutes until the sun began to set. "We need to get some sleep so we can search in the morning." Mark said. I didn't argue at all, I was exhausted mentally, physically, and emotionally. I lay down and he lay down beside me, putting his left arm around me, holding his knife close to his chest with his right hand. "I just want to say again, thank you for saving me, Anna." Mark said with empathy. I replied with saying "I'm glad we met because I'd be toast if you didn't come knocking on my door." We chuckled and smiled and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of a high pitched scream and I jumped. "Hey it's okay, your safe." He said in a soft but reassuring tone. I still wanted to know who or what it was so I asked, "Who is that?" I rub my eyes and stand up to get a better look. "I don't know but I did see some dumbasses go by driving a motorcycle and a car leading the walkers like they have a plan. Anyway, the ladder is clear so we need to leave to find shelter." Mark stood up and walked over to the side of the building near the top of the ladder. "Okay that sounds good but," I pause and sigh. "But what?" He asked. "I'm worried about the others and if they are safe." I exclaimed. "They are a bunch of tough f*ckers, don't worry. I know they found a place to rest. I bet you they did." As he said this, I walked up to him near the edge of the roof. "What a fantastic view of the living dead." I said sarcastically, and he laughed. It wasn't a nervous laugh, it was a calm, care-free laugh. "Mark?" "Yeah?" he replied. "I'm scared." "Of what?" He sounded nervous. "I don't know what is going on, and I don't know if I will make it or we will-" He stopped me in mid-sentence and kissed me.

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