Outside There

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Dead Soul P.O.V.:

Loud screams of Souls. Flames Roaring like Crazy. This place you call Underworld is like hell to not only me, but the rest of us. That's pretty much it down here! Never something... new or unexpected, maybe even pretty for once. Well, I wouldn't know what's upon Earth, I'm just a Dead Soul.

My appearance looks as if it's faint, and my eyes have the color of ghostly gray. My short hair with the color of black still stands out though. Other Soul wanderers compliment my hair. Blegh, I thought my hair would be messy though!

Yes, I may have been human before but I have forgotten all about it. My life and memories has been restarted you can say.

Every time I try to sleep, it makes me think so much about my life and how I'm going to use it. We see dead souls coming in everyday just because they had died from an illness, or one of the saddest ones. Killing themselves...

I want to go up there, to see why humans love it up there, why life is so precious, and to discover many more. Not sure if Lord Satan would accept but it's worth a try!

The next bell rung at the time of twelve o'clock at midnight, usually when the lord is awake, I decided to go up to her and ask if I can discover Earth.
"Isabelle! What are you doing heading towards Satan's throne room?! You know she's most likely going to deny whatever you're asking!" A voice who suddenly appear aside me whispered in my ear. It was my friend, Ivan, well he's just my neighbor.
"I have to try... I'm so not going to stay in this stupid hell my whole life you know!" I whispered loudly at him, striking him to shush. "And don't call me Isabelle, it's Vanessa!"
He nods in disappointment and floats away like a ghost.

The hallway was filled with torches of blue fires and the pathway was surrounded with lava. Scary isn't it? It's so silent, you can even hear my footsteps but anyway. When I reached to the 8 feet tall doors, or gates, it gave me a nervous chill. Hoping that Satan wouldn't feed me to the dragons.

"Whoever's out there, you can come in!" Satan's call was heard from the otherside of the metal door. I followed and opened the gates, seeing Satan at her throne.
"Lord Satan, uh.. Can I ask you something?" I asked right after I walked towards her. She looked at my face for a moment, then began to chuckle.
"Pffft. Let me guess, you want to go to Earth?" She smiled and started to chuckle some more. She knew so fast, was it that obvious?!
"Wait, how did you?-"
"You Fool! I'm Satan, I know what's going on people's heads on the underworld!" Satan exclaimed. " But why would you want to go to that flithy place?! The main reason why I'm here!"

Silence made me think, I didn't know if I was %100 sure of my decision. Then I began to speak my answer from my thoughts, " You may have seen Earth! I didn't! I want to know what's special and what's horrible about that place, discover new colors, probably know more emotions. Besides pain all the time!"

Satan stood there for a moment, wide eyed, but then changed her look to a upsetting face.
" Earth's not what you think darling. It's where sin and pain began. Not here..." she said, but she shook her head.

"Maybe I'll grant you to Earth, since you have more to learn. But the thing is, you can't tell anyone your true being. Otherwise, I'll take you back to the Underworld and you can never go back to Earth. And those you knew would have never have you in their memories, forgotten! Got it?!"

I nodded and did the salute of the Seal Promise Hell.
If I ever break any law or order given by the lord Satan, I shall be punished. I will swallow a thousand needles, and chop off my pinkie finger which is filled of lies. Lord Satan... I pledge to keep this promise forever until it's broken.

Well, I started to get nervous, but at the same time, I'm excited. The gates were opening, slowly, and I can see a bit of light. Like it was thriving to come in to the darkness. There the gates open fully at last by the last second. This is it, I'm out of the terror, at last...

I walk upon the long stairs to the portal, it was beautiful, I wasn't at the underworld anymore. The gates behind me closed quickly before I could say good-bye to my home. This is Earth!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

        Vanessa looks down at her feet, her body, and her firm hands. She sees the difference that she didn't look so faint anymore, but her ghostly eyes didn't change one bit. The area she was in had weird obstacles, metal bars, and maybe a swing. She realizes that she spawned in a human park, a place made by humans meant to 'play'. It seems though that there wasn't any humans around to where she's at. But there was a boy, about her age, just a few yards away. He looked liked a person with black silky hair, pale skin, and he has brown eyes just slightly red.

        She walks towards him, and with a nervous expression, she introduces herself, " Hello?..." He then turns around with a confused yet cold face. "Excuse me?" he said to Vanessa harshly. Suddenly, Vanessa gets bad chills to her spine, he seemed odd to her. Of course he's a human after all, she thought. " Well, can I ask if there's any place I can go? You know, to stay.." She tries asking him, but he shook his head no. They were both stuck, not knowing. " I'm...Oreo, that isn't my real name but that's what you can call me for now." He says to Vanessa, with a introducing expression. What kind of name is Oreo, isn't that just a cookie brand? she thought. " Well then, I guess you can call me Wendy." she lied to him. To Vanessa, he didn't seem like a bad person after all. Until he rudely said. " Okay. You seem oddly strange." Now that definitely hit Vanessa with an insult. But she isn't the type to let someone easily insult her.

         "Tch. You're the strange one." She hissed right back at him. The boy chuckled a little, and says, " Okay okay I'm sorry.. It's just weird to suddenly give someone your own name. Especially to a stranger. " They both giggled and argued towards each other at the same time. Now Vanessa changed her mind about Oreo. He was a bit of a cold one... He may look a bit sweet and innocent on the outside, like he isn't full of hatred at all! But once you meet him, he is the exact opposite.

It's been a few hours since they met, they're stuck outside the park, lost still at this point. The two of them realized how late and dark it's now at this time. And the cold, windy weather made them both shiver and shudder.

"H-hey, when are you going to leave this park? Don't you have a place to go to?" Vanessa questions Oreo. But she didn't know he was in the same situation as her. " No, I don't....honestly..." He replies. " I am, uh... Lost. I don't have a home." He quickly makes the best excuse he can to keep Vanessa from being suspicious.

What are the two of these young folks going to do stranded at the middle of a park out of no where?

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