Good-Bye Mom

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The next morning, the sun rose more early than ever, leaving lights striking into my eyes. As I opened my heavy eyelids, I could already see Charlene ready for school.
"I don't want to go to schoool!" I moaned as I turned my face against the pillow. She then shook me, but that didn't make me budge. So instead she swiftly took the blankets away from me.
"Noooo!" I groaned, shaking to the coldness that this morning has sent me. Charlene chuckled, "Dude, time to get up. Are you okay?"
When she said that, I suddenly remembered the hug Derrick gave me, which sent me reasons why I wasn't okay.
"Alright, I'll get up." I lifted my arms and stretched before I pulled myself up.
Still, it was stuck in my head, and it was starting to annoy me. I didn't like him, really. If he did liked me, then I would have to say no because.. I don't think I like anyone. I've read books in the library that love makes your heart beat, then it becomes all a lie. A huge breakdown for most people, and I wouldn't want to experience that.


I realized I haven't talk to Damian for a while, ever since we met Charlene. What's up with him around girls. First, he thought of Kristen as a headache, then he tries to avoid Char.

By the school gates, there again I see Damian hanging out with Derrick and Marqais. Something inside of me lures myself to him.
"Are you looking at Derrick?" Asked Charlene who stood next to me. I wasn't looking at Derrick, but Damian.. Why?
"Haha that nerd? Nope. I'm just waiting for the gates to open." I responded.
The school staff had the keys wrapped in his hands, as he shoved his way through children to open the gates.

Both me and Charlene got inside the school grounds and start heading for our classrooms. But as I glanced at her, she was looking directly at Damian. I felt an ache in my chest, but I set that aside...


Derrick and I are still awkward around each other, since I know he isn't what he seems.
Next to me, Derrick put his head down on his desk. After the talk with his mom, I just wonder if he would even forgive her...for killing him. I felt a tap on my back from behind, and it was Ezekiel who sat behind me.
I turned around, "What?"
Ezekiel whispered, "What happened with him? He seems down than usual."
"I'm okay. Don't even ask Ezekiel." Derrick interrupted in a calm yet tempered voice. For once he was serious, not even looking as if he's joking.
"Well, you didn't have to act like a douche!" Ezekiel ticked off, and that's when Derrick suddenly had it.

He banged his desk with such rage, and faced Ezekiel. "How about you don't go into people's business!" Derrick snapped, he was suddenly short tempered. I couldn't stand to watch, not that I wanted to help, but we were in the classroom.
"Hey! Can you guys not fight here?!" I tried to stop them. Ezekiel dropped his jaw and yelled, "What did I do wrong?! I'm just concerned like a friend would be?!"
"Hm. Ask Wendy because I don't remember considering you as my friend."

Next thing I did, I landed my hand on Derrick's face. It intrigued me to slap him. So I did and he stood there in awe.
"Don't let your emotions control you enough to push your friends away!" I shouted as Derrick felt his face, the spot where I harmed him. He couldn't look at me, and his eyes were struggling to hold back tears. I thought we already made up for what his mom did but I guess I was wrong.
"You lied about what you said to Ezekiel."
Derrick scoffed as he turned his back on us as his last words were. "I thought you understand." He then stomped his way, pushing his classmates roughly out of his way to the classroom door. I don't understand!? It wasn't right for him to be that quite harsh, even for an idiot. I just felt this isn't him at all.

Mr.Rodriguez came in at the wrongest time, from his meetings in the teacher lounges. We had to resume class but I couldn't bare to be comfortable without Derrick next to me.

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