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Vanessa's P.O.V.

Ding dong. Immediately Charlene's mom opened the door and was surprised to see me.
"Hey Tita Bernal, can I go see Charlene?" I asked seriously. She nodded, but I noticed that there wasn't much change to this house. It was still nice and neat everywhere in each room, it kinda made me smile. Thank god, the Chaos lord haven't roam in this area yet. Now that I recalled from before, Charlene's father put a strong barrier spell on this house. How clever an author like him was.
"Charlene! Where are you?!" I called very loudly from downstairs.
Charlene yelled back, "I'm here! But what do you want?!" I know this isn't a good time for her but I'm part of her problems right now.

Marching upstairs, I made sure Marqais didn't follow either. After I reached her room, I gently opened her bedroom door to see her head on the pillows. Charlene wasn't crying though, because it seems like she already did.
"Hey. Are you okay?" I tried to comfort her, like I should have all these years.
Charlene sniffed, "I'm alright. So what's up." As she lifted her face from the bed, her eyes seemed really pale.
Now here is what I did... I lied, "It's okay for Derrick to replace Vanessa. It may hard to take this all in but she's never coming back. You got to move on in order to live a happy life."
She looked at me, which seems to be bewildering to her. "You don't get it. Vanessa meant alot to us. If she means nothing to them, she means alot to me."

I actually felt kinda glad that she still cared and kept me in her heart. Was that a bad thing?
Couldn't help but smile again and told her, "What if she wants to keep you happy? She might not stand seeing you constantly fall into guilt everyday."
"Well... I- wait. Why do you sound like you know her?" Charlene looked at me in a suspicious way. She scanned my eyes and body.
"No that was just a suggestion." I said subtly. Why can't I tell the freaking truth already!?
"Anyways... I just don't know if I could let her go. My unconscious part of me just tells me that it wasn't right. Not yet anyways." Charlene soothed her voice in a calmer way.

Suddenly someone knocked on the front door downstairs, and I guess one of her sisters opened the door.
"Damian?" Chelsea called out loud enough to hear upstairs. I faced to see Charlene's eyes lit up as soon as she heard his name. She pulled herself, wiped the leftover tears and fixed her tangled hair. Char then rushed downstairs and I followed along. But I hid behind the stairs to make sure Damian doesn't spot me.
While I was eavesdropping their conversation, I heard him say, "Sorry for bothering you. Wait why-"
"No, Damian it's fine. Thanks for coming over, now let's focus on doing this group project together!" Charlene cut him off, but smiled faintly.

"Hold up, were you crying? What's wrong?" Damian looked into her eyes filled with concern, or maybe more than that.
Charlene shrugged it off by saying, "I'm fine it's just I accidentally caught something on my eyes." Looked like Damian didn't believe that though.
"Oh by the way, Wendy is here!" Charlene recalled and looked at me, I guess she didn't want to be with Damian alone awkwardly. I stepped from the shadows and put on a fake grin. "Oh wow. Isn't this quite surprising." Now I got two people to tell the truth!

I continued in a shaky tone, "May I tell you guys something? Really important." You can do this, just go for it. Better than having Sal ruin their lives.
We all moved upstairs to the living room, while I sense those two awkwardly looking at each other. It was cute to be truth. 
"So.. Wendy what is it?" Charlene asked. Facing to her I smiled, "Well glad you asked." I put a pause before I began to explain.
"This may seem a bit, crazy, but you know that friend of yours... Vanessa. She's actually-" Before I could finish what I said, Charlene was called out by Tita Bernal. "Coming!" Charlene lifted herself up and headed to her master bedroom. I couldn't be any less nervous when it's just me and Oryza.

Exhausted, tired and any unimportant emotions I'm felt, I gave a huge sigh. "You know what, she won't remember anyways. I don't have enough time. I'll say it anyways." I said as I sat down on the cushion. Damian seems to have at least some concern if anything had to do with Charlene. 

"I'm her long lost friend who died, I am Vanessa. No longer human suits me, I came all the way from what you all called underworld." Slowly I spoke the truth as my body start to falter. 

"I watched Charlene, and I saw her grief. The truth is, I was that demon who haunted her life in her nightmares. The name's Oryza and I figured you would have known by now. " He exposed his identity as so did I. Oryza watched me fade away, and I started to glimpse a vision of his horns that scaled red and black. His eyes, I knew the first time that I saw it, it wasn't human. I heard the door opened slowly and Charlene eyes widened but before she could say a word ... My everything turned blurry to darkness, I sunk down to the floor as if I was shape shifting without my control. Chains appeared onto my ankles as it pulled me down to hell further to the core of Earth.  

Hahaha... Welcome back Vanessa, to the world of terror. A boy sat was linked into many chains and his dark black hair covered his third eye on his forehead. "Pleasure to meet you, next one." he spoke lowly. I realized that the walls were enchanted with barrier power, the room was windowless and a small light dim stood from above. "Am I in jail or something." I asked the boy who shook his hand cuffs. "pReetty much." He subtly answered. 

P.O.V. ended

Charlene opened her own bedroom door and saw a figure faded and vanished away. What was that? She wondered but then she found her eyes widening with tears. No memory gave her a reason to cry suddenly like this. From the window she saw Ezekiel sitting on the tree at her backyard that hanged near the house. Next she noticed Oryza standing with a blank expression. "Damian, why were we here again? I can't recall why I'm tearing up?!" she started to shake by the unknown feeling or lost memory. It was like many of her memories were taken away. "Charlene, we were doing the project remember?" He explained to her not entirely. 

The windows then blasted and was turned into broken scattered pieces of sharp fragments. It was Ezekiel who broke in the house and his fist was covered in blood from the dangerous action he took. "You. Damian, you freaking bastard. YOU! What did you do to her!?!" He yelled as he grabbed Oryza's collar. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" He repeated but Damian kept his nonchalant face and didn't respond. "What's GOING ON HERE?!" Charlene shouted her lungs out and the two paused. 

"What you don't know is this..this guy right here is a PSYCHOPATH MURDERER!" He exclaimed as he turned back to Oryza. Charlene started to get so irritated, she might've been used to everyone keeping things from her. "Fine, you two get the heck out of my house! And Ezekiel was it necessary to even break my house's windows?!" Ezekiel then opened his mouth but what cut off by her, "You know what, I don't care about your excuse. Just get out." Oryza was thrown by hand out of the opened window by the strong force of Ezekiel. Despite his harmed bloody red knuckles, he was still strong. "DAMIAN!" Charlene screamed in terror but then fainted as her body throttled to the floor. 

Oryza fell from the building, he would have used his abilities to catch himself but he couldn't end up like Vanessa. Luckily, he finds himself landing in a soft fluff of clouds, created by Kristen. Talk about luck. She waved her hands and the clouds disappeared to have Oryza place his feet on the ground. Ezekiel jumped out from Charlene's window and made a huge impact to their sidewalk. The three of them were now at the side of the neighborhood street. 

"Kristen let him go, I need to settle this." Ezekiel faced her as he clenched his fists. "What do you even mean?" Oryza countered. "You think I didn't witness what you did to Vanessa. I saw her vanished before you..." With Ezekiel's claim, it made Oryza chuckle because he's pointed to be the cause of her disappearance. Ezekiel was too overwhelmed, but this made his mission to kill Oryza easier. Because now he has a real reason to kill him. He had no choice really, but to take the gun out of his bag and shoot two bullets towards Oryza. All Oryza had to do was lean his head as he dodge the two bullets. "Let's not forget that I'm the highest-class demon." Oryza declared which made him appear unyielding. 

Meanwhile, Kristen flew through the dark night where no one was able to see her beautiful wings to Charlene's window again. "Last thing's first." She said to herself as she looked upon Charlene laying flat on the carpet. Kristen created hand motions as it glowed, all to erase Charlene's memory of the impossible incident. 

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