Mental Traumas

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"Where did you go Wendy?!" Charlene yelled concerned. We were both in her bedroom again, getting dressed up.
"I went to the park because I was bored.. you know waking up early." I replied, putting my baggy shirt on.
"I knew it. And probably Damian was there with you." Charlene sighed as she tied her hazel hair up.
"How did you know-"
"Marqais told me.. Anyways are you okay? He crashed into you right? I'm going to beat him up later." She held my shoulders and shook them.
"I'm fine! Chill.." I said calmly.

Charlene scanned my body, and breathed in relief when she saw no wounds. Her mom knocked on the door for breakfast.
"I wish he- nevermind..." she cut off the sentence and headed downstairs. I was alone in her room, just waiting for some reason. Glancing at the shelves, I noticed a book that was dusty. It had a brown leather cover with yellow damaged pages sticking out. As soon as I touched it with my one finger, the little voices screamed in my head.


It was strange how these voices were all mine, but I was clearly thinking those words in my head. Who the heck is 'he' is supposed to be anyways... but this is probably hallucinations or something.
"Wendy!" They called from downstairs.
"Coming!" I left the journal alone, it wasn't my right to be snooping anyways. But something of it reminds me... the past.


There wasn't school today, it was the weekend so we had two days off. I spent my afternoon wandering around the malls with Charlene to look at PUFFY dresses. Now I'm here, in the fitting room helping her.

"Does this look good on me?" Charlene asked me, turning around from different angles. She swirled around in pastel pink linen dress that reached further down her knees.
"You're beautiful Charlene." I spoke my mind, and honestly she was dashing on dresses. No wonder boys fall for her.
"Eh? Are you sure?" I could tell that she is no where near confident with her own beauty.
"Yeah. Hmmm I wonder what Damian might think?" I teased to her, making her blush so much.

"Y-yeah right. He doesn't even know me much... A-anyways! Let's put you on a dress!!" She clapped her hands in excitement. Suddenly she pushed me out of the room to get a dress. There was so many though, I couldn't decide. Looking at the money in my pockets , I don't think I have enough.
Charlene then read my mind, "Oh don't worry, I'll pay too!"

I asked myself, what kind of dress would look nice on me? One by one, I picked some dresses, but they weren't perfect. Short, long, yellow, pink, they don't match me.
"What about this one?" Derrick popped from out of no where in the lines of clothes.
I yelped in surprise, "HOLY SHIZ!"
"Don't say bad words squinty eyes." He bossed me, and I refused to reply. He pulled out a hanger, with a dress with red and black flannel topping and with the bottom plain blue.
I swapped the dress from his hands and asked, "What are you doing here?! It was supposed to be me and Charlene's day to have fun!"

Derrick just smiled at me, he didn't respond to my question.
"Wendy? You done?" Char called.
"Ah... Yeah." I looked at Derrick anxiously and took the dress he chose for me. "Thanks.. I guess?" There I went back to the fitting room.


"Wendy, you look great on that dress!" She complimented me.  I felt curious on why we're even buying dresses. Perhaps an occasion? "Thanks." I felt weird to the fact that he picked a dress for me.  Charlene paused and looked at the flannel pattern. "Such little things reminds me of her." She said to herself. Then I told her, "Derrick picked it for me." But who would have guessed that it made Charlene kind of anxious. "No. He can't just replace Vanessa like that. No this is all wrong."

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