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Who was the one that reported Mrs.Juvida?
Derrick probably wanted to grab me by the throat to shush. I couldn't help it, I was curious and suspicious. Though, it wasn't the good time to ask those questions by the looks of devastated people around me.
Mrs. Sanders answered, "I'm sorry.. I don't know. They told me the identity of this person shouldn't be revealed."


Now me and Derrick are just walking past the streets, to his home. Gratefully, he had an aunt, who was a sister of his mom to take care of him. He never talked to me though, not after all the tense drama. Suddenly, I sense something following us from behind.. wait from the edges, corners, on the roofs! I don't know how to explain but I felt some sort of chaotic aura among the two of us. Must be either my hallucinations or part of underworld traits.

The sun was setting, and the birds flew across the skies like a jet. There was thousands of birds.. Avoiding something. Okay, I don't speak bird language so don't ask.

As soon as we reached our destination, I waved my hand awkwardly in good-bye. Derrick in return didn't say anything but gave me a sly smile as if he appreciated for what I did. The door closed and all I could see was a reflection of me on that glass door. I let out a sigh from how exhausted I was. The surface of Earth wasn't so noisy like the underworld, it was quite serene at the moment.

The aura came back, only the sense of it is more noticeable and obvious. Sneak attack! I turned around to see a strange guy clapping in a mischievous way. And was it at me?
"So you noticed. As expected." The man came forward clearing the shadows that hid his face. It then changed and took form as Ezekiel.
"Want to guess who reported Derrick's mom?" He smiled, though it didn't look like Ezekiel at all. I never thought he could be that manipulating.
"It was you, wasn't it." I read his face, his eyes weren't blue before.
"Look at you, trying to help your friends by making them believe you're a puny human." He called out. "It was so simple. Tell them the truth, and you could be free from the guilt of lies."

I crossed my arms, this is all just a game to Ezekiel ( I think ). He staggered his shoulders waiting for my response.
"No. Then I wouldn't be able to help them. Save them." I answered.
"Hahaha, hon I wouldn't do that if I were you!" He cracked up, bending down in laughter. "You see, as long as you stay here, I can do many things. Like ruin your life!"
I chuckled, "How can you ruin mine? There's no way you can prove to them that I'm some kind of ghost roaming around Earth."
Ezekiel coughed then said, "Do I have to ruin yours? I mean.. instead of you I can ruin someone else's. Your friends. Look what happened to Derrick, that mama's boy has no mother any more!"

That's when my heart ached and my head filled with rage. I wanted to use my fists and punch him so he wouldn't have to live to see us suffer. Holding back, I controlled myself from doing so.
"What the heavens do you want." I clenched my teeth.
"Tell the truth. Within two weeks. If you don't, prepare to lose those you love and be stuck in this surface to face it." That brought me disconnected from everything...Was it over already it's only been a few weeks. Cries of failure and anger flooded into my thoughts. Why did it have to come to me?! Why can't I just change?! I just want to be human.

P.O.V. End


"Fine." Was all she had to say before she walked away. The winds started to blow harder than before. By the gray clouds that crosses over the city to pour rain. Ezekiel watched as Vanessa vanished as she is no longer in sight.
"What a game." He chuckled, stiffening his shoulders. Two snaps of his fingers and light shimmered around him faster than one second. It wasn't Ezekiel anymore, it was never him exactly. It was Salvador dressed in formal clothing and with smirk on his face. However, the real Ezekiel came out of the thrift shop next to Derrick's building. Salvador's smirk was then wiped off by Ezekiel's sight.

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