Chapter One

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Winter Break had started, and everyone's vacations had ended just in time for the Annual Auradon New Year's Party. In case you haven't realized, Auradon has annual parties for everything. The New Years Party always ended with a stellar performance by students from Auradon Prep, and since this was Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos' first party, they would be the ones singing and dancing! This was also they first holiday the Vks spend apart from each other.

5:00 p.m. came sooner than expected and all the guest started to arrive at Beast castle. Of course, Evie and Doug were the first ones.

"Hey you guys are"- Ben started but he didn't get a chance to finish because Evie had dragged Doug into the castle worrying about something.

"No time to chat, gotta start a war." Evie panted as she Dragged Doug in too.

"Uh, nice to see you too?" Ben said puzzled. As he closed the door, Jay came in with Mal, Carlos, Jane, Cory, and Doug.

"Woah, don't lock us out brother." Jay laughed.

"I would never! Well... " Ben's voice playfully trailed off as Jay playfully punched him in the arm.

Mal ran past the descendants right into Ben's arms. "I've missed you."

"I missed you too. Ben laughed hugging her back. How was Skull Island?"

"Very foggy." Carlos and Cory said as they came inside the castle.

Carlos' plan to go see Aladdin and the lamps was canceled because Aladdin wanted to spend sometime with his wife, Jasmine and son, Aziz.

Aziz had just walked in behind Carlos.

"If it weren't for someone! Maybe I would have had a decent winter break." Carlos motioned to Aziz.

"You act like it's my fault!" Aziz yelled at Carlos.

Then Evie popped up from nowhere on between Aziz and Carlos.

"Are you guys gonna fight? You should fight and put me in charge." Evie instigated as Mal pulled her away.

"Let me guess, still didn't get to start a war yet?" Mal asked as she crossed her arms.

"Nope, I don't have much time left!" Evie gasped looking at her phone.

"First of all, you forgot to set your clock back an hour." Mal set Evie's phone back an hour, and gave it back to her. "And you shouldn't start wars in Auradon, do you not remember the Grumpy Grant Fiasco?"

Evie shivved at the thought of it.

Jay and Carlos walked over to Mal and Evie.

"Let me guess, Evie didn't finish her list yet?" Carlos smiled a sly smile.

"Nope, and apparently she wants to bring war to Auradon." Mal looked at Evie.

"I don't want to bring war to Auradon, I just want to start it and end it in less than 7 hours."

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