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I was sitting at my desk writing my notes but i was kept on getting distracted from the sounds of the patter of rain and the gale force winds... just your typical cold and wet autumn Sunday night evening typical Sydney weather. I quickly finish writing my notes and put the books out in a pile with the folders neatly in order. It was almost 10:45pm only 15 more minutes before Luke was due to take over the next shift. I got up and made Mary a cup of tea and grabbed a couple of shortbread biscuit from the pantry for her ritual supper... it is something that I always did before I ended my shift in Unit One Matilda House Angel Care Disability Service but today was my last shift as Miss Danielle-Lea Jackson as in 6 weeks time I would come back as the new Mrs Michael James McLeod. On the next Sunday 24th April 2011 i was going to marry the love of my life in the beautiful Blue Mountains west of Sydney this is going to be an exciting but nerve wracking week but i know everything is going to be perfect this day was 5 yrs in the making, our wedding theme is based on Dr Who the British TV show Mick and I are big Whovians the Dr Who Fan Base and next Sunday we were putting on a big show.. a friend of ours built a big Tardis for the wedding ceremony, we even got a Tardis as a cake topper with the bride and groom.. and we even managed to hire K-9 the robotic dog to be our ring bearer it is all coming to plan just as long as the Daleks don't gate crash lol.. Mick change my life 5 yrs ago not only ort love for Dr Who brought us closer but i was stuck in a dead end office job for an insurance company in customer service when we first met he worked for the IT department... we both left out jobs 2 yrs later he worked for another IT company and he helped me in pursuing my dream of helping people working in the community so i went back to uni and finished my diploma as an occupational therapist and i started my work, working with people with disabilities i have only been at Matilda House for a couple years i started off a casual as i need work to support my Uni fees but made me part time the shifts help with my uni schedule but i love it there.. the residences and staff treat me like family... they too have embraced Mick as their own too... I couldn't wait for the shift to be over as there was still a lot of thing to organise for the wedding. I went into Marys room she was popped up in bed listen to her country music i put her tea and biscuits on her table.. "Hey Mare Bear your nightly ritual"... "Thanks Love" she replied... "Oh did you remember to put my chair on charge?" Mary asked "Yes I did Mary" I replied "just making sure i have my day program tomorrow got things to and places to go" Mary said giving me that look she always does " don't mean to be a nag... so last shift tonight.. You are coming back right?" Mary asked with a concerned look... "yes of course Mare Bear I'll be back its only 6 wees it will go quick" ... "okay it's just that i love you... you are a good carer..." Mary always said the nicest things to me... she leaned over to her chest of drawers and grab and envelope out "this is for you" she said.. i opened the envelope there was a handmade card for me saying " Congratulations to the new Mr & Mrs McLeod Love from Mary Unit One " there was a child like drawing of a bride and groom "aaawwweee Mary you are so sweet thank you" i gave her a hug..."you're welcome love" said Mary

"ok i have to go and check on the other guys you enjoy the rest of your evening Mary" i said "you too Dani good night"... I then went and checked on the other residence both Hein and Stephen were asleep... but Graeme was awake and he was due for his medication... Luke walked in the unit... "Hey Dan hows it going?" "good good just getting Graeme's meds ready can you come and check and sign please" i replied.." sure" both Luke and I went into Graeme's room with his medication Graeme was in his room watching the football
re runs but the sound was on mute he had his radio on listening to his talk back late night radio show he was sitting in his electric wheel chair.. "Hey use two is it that time? Said Graeme... "Yep mate meds time POP!" said Luke as he gave Graeme his meds and assisted him with his water... "thanks Graeme have a good night see you in 6 weeks" i said " see you too love i hope next week will be a lovely day for you especially with the weather compared to tonight's weather... can it get any more wetter.. oh by the way drive safely tonight and avoid the bypass there was an accident about an hour ago a fatality i think they said on the radio" Graeme explained "yeah I heard about it too it on my way to work they said it was a head on collision with a car and a truck.. Driver of the car dead .. the truckie in serious condition... the bypass was blocked so i had to go via Campbell Rd " said Luke "Oh my God! ..Thanks for the traffic tip Graeme.. i'll go on a different route.. catch you later" Luke and i left Graeme's room and went in to the lunch room where Kim, Michelle, Lily and John were waiting "did you hear about the fatality on the bypass that happened an hour ago it's pretty bad head on collision Said Kim as we walked in the office "Yeah Graeme was telling us" Luke Replied... "People go stupid on the road in this wet weather whose fault was it did they say" asked John... "they said the Truck driver was swerving and knocked the other car out according to eyewitnesses" said Kim... we sat down and gave out our handovers to Luke and Lily after that i went to the hand register to punch out.... "okay guys i'm off see you in 6 weeks well Kim and Michelle see you next Sunday"... everyone said their goodbyes and well wishes .. I walked out of the office went to the dive way.. it was a slight drizzle as the rain had eased got my keys out of my bag opened my car and went in started the engine got the heater going as it was cold that night check my mobile there was a text message from Mick "HEY BEAUTIFUL I HOPE UR AVIN A GOOD SHIFT I HAD TO GO BACK TO THE OFFICE TONIGHT AS THERE WAS SOME ISSUES WITH THE PUTERS.. MR IT FIXER TO THE RESCUE LOL I SHOULD BE HOME JUST AFTER 11:00PM SEE YOU SOON LOVE YOU XXX".. . it was just 11:30pm i text back "ON MY WAY HOME BE THERE IN 20MINS LOVE YOU BABE XXX".. I put my phone back in my bag pulled out of the drive way got drove out of the street turned left onto Campbell Rd as i was avoiding the Bypass as it was blocked off.. Longer trip..i finally turned into my street slowly driving along slowly as the rain picked up again and was getting heavier as i was driving along i saw a police car parked outside my house... what are the police doing at my house at this time of night?... i pulled into the driveway stopped my car pull the key out of the ignition stepped out raced to the front door two police offers a man and woman stepped out of the police car and started to walk up my driveway... "hello Miss I'm constable Edwards and this is constable Miller" said the police man as he approach me at my front door "are you Miss Jackson?" "Yes I am what this all about? I asked... the police woman turned to me "Mrs Jackson can we please come inside " she took a deep breath and paused.. " we have something to tell you in regard to your fiancé Mr McLeod ....." she continue... i just stood there looking at them...i started to feel pains in my stomach.. i felt like i was going to be sick then the pain lead to my chest.. my heart stopped... No This cant be happening....

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