Part 24

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We were back in LA after our trip to the east coast it was a couple days after since we got back, we back at Chris's was mid morning and we were getting ready to take Chris for a specialist appointment... and Chris was still buzzing from the New Jersey concert he couldn't believe that he not only saw Mars in concert but he got to sing with Jared himself... he was so happy Eric didn't come back with us as he went to follow Mars to Canada and the rest of the state he was going to meet up with us in San Jose .. Jared was disappointed i was not joining him either.. "we will have plenty of time when you get back to LA" i said before we left the hotel apartment in New York ...he looked at me with his baby blue eyes..."i'm just going to miss you" he said pouting..."we will be together....soon babe" i said smiling..."aarrggghhhh!! don't say that word i hate that word"...Jared looked at me he grabbed me gently by the cheeks..and he kissed me...then the cab came by to pick myself and Chris to the airport..i remember looking at Jared from the back window of the car making a heart symbol with his hands....

"Oi... Chris almost ready we don't want to be late" i called out...he was in his room.."Yeah i'm just getting my coat" he call out back.. My phone vibrated.. I got a text from Jared


I wished i was with him too.... i love getting his text and phone calls ... i never thought i would meet a kind, generous, beautiful soul like Jared.. what he, Shannon and Tomo did for Chris... that was really special...witnessing them around the Echelon they really show how much they appreciate their support and they don't just treat them like fan.. Each meet and greet they want to get to know them.. Even though its like for 3 mins for a picture they the extra mile and they have fun with them.. it is sort of similar at the Sci Fi/Comic conventions....i love it when celebrities take their time with the people who supports them...but what Jared did in New Jersey...made me fall for him even deeper... i grabbed my phone to text him back.. then i herd aloud crashing coming from Chris's room.. i ran straight away heading towards his room.... their i found Chris out of his wheelchair on the floor ... "Chris!" i yelled... ... i went straight towards him check my surroundings "CHRIS!" he was not responding.. i immediately put him in the recovery position "No Chris please" i still had my phone in my hand all this time.. i dialled 000 i was about to press call 000 is Australian emergency number..."Fuck! it's 911" i screamed at myself i dialled rang 3 times then i heard a voice.."Hell this is 911 what is your emergency"

I was sitting in the emergency has been 3 hrs since Chris had his seizure... his prognoses is not good he has been in and out of consciousness...for the past few weeks i noticed that he had not been well.. he always seemed tired all the time and wasn't eating much.. but after this morning's episode it looks bad i fear the worse... his mother and father were there outside of his room talking with the doctors.. i looked at my phone i had a miss call and a text from Jared


I didn't want to text or call him right away not yet ...but right now i wished he was here.

Chris's mum began to walk up the hallway towards me... she sat right beside me..

"hi Mrs Skafe...i'm so sorry.." i began

"its not your fault sweetie.. this was bound to happen..the doctors said so it happens with his condition..his father and i are not just preparing ourselves for the end" she said

I looked at her

"it the second tumour it has gotten bigger and it is increasing , it putting pressure on his brain ..I'm afraid.." Chris mum began to sob... "he may not last a few more day even a week"

I was absolutely guttered...i put my arm around Mrs Skafe...i was losing not just a client .. but my friend "Is there anything i could do Mrs Skafe?" i asked "I'm not sure maybe you can bring some of his stuff.. i just want him to be comfortable... could you call is friends especially Dana his friend from New Jersey and Eric they will need to know..Danielle.. i just want to say thank you for being there for Chris.. i knew how much he is fond of you" She replied

"you are very welcome and i will be here till the very end Mrs Skafe...if you need anything you let me know"i said

"Thank you so much"...

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