Part 20

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The next Morning we headed to New Jersey to meet up with Dana.. Chris Eric and i travelled by train from New York when we go to new Jersey we caught a cab and headed to Dana's place she lived in the surburbs...we pulled up to her street...i felt like i was in a john Hughes Movie your typical American suburban was autumn and you could see the tress aligned together with a row of orange with the leaves falling on the ground..saw five kids all rugged up riding their bikes down the street.. i saw one gentleman outside raking the brown ,orange and yellow leaves from his front lawn... and a lady was pushing a pram.. it felt welcoming being here it was like i was home.. the only difference was the trees they had Maple.. Back home we had a mixture of Gum trees and Jacaranda's well pulled up a drive and i could see this big white wooden double story house with a bright red door ...

"we are here" Chris said

Eric got out of the cab to get Chris's wheel chair our while i paid the cab driver.. the Read Door opened and there was a woman standing outside she was wearing black uggboots jeans.. a red t-shirt and a fluff thick woollen cardigan.. she was wearing a leather necklace with the triad pendant like the one both Eric and Chris were wearing.. this must be Dana.. she had blonde hair but you could see the dark root.. thick but perfectly shaped dark eyebrows and dark brown eyes.. olive skin.. but she had a warm smile...

"Christopher .. " she said she started to walk towards us.. Chris was helped into his wheel chair then he raced towards her

"My Echelon Mommy" he squealed

Dana knelt down and gave him a hug it was a long hug.. she got up and went towards Eric..

"Hello Eric.. good to see you again been too long" she said giving him a hug

"I miss you" said Eric giving her a kiss on the cheek then she turned to me and gave out her right hand "and you must be Dani.. Christopher has told me so much about you" i shook her hand " and he has told so much about you too" i replied

"please come in" she said and we followed her inside her house.. it was a beautiful home we walked past the formal lounge room doen the hallway there were alot of Photo's which looked like family then we went into the kitchen it was a nice with white tiled floors and a blue bench.. with wooden cupboard and a large built in oven there was a big wooden square 9 piece dining table in the middle was a blue table runner and a big white with blue floral print vase with some fresh flowers of the season...then we enter another door way this was the family room.. there was the big screened tv hanging on the wall underneath the tv was ther entertainment unit.. there some pictures which looked like Dana with a meet and greet.. a large white Triad in the middle an ipod sound sytem an in the corner a big black vase with fake a glitter rose vine branches on the other another wall there was some pictures in frames of 30 Second to Mars one picture with Jared famous Mohawk.. a big picture of Shannon behind the drums and underneath there were a set of Drums Sticks with Shannon's signature .. and comfy burgundy lounges and matching side tables like the entertainment unit.. eric and i sat on the big lounge...

"Coffee?" Dana Asked

"sure" we all said.." Dana then looked at me "how do you have your coffee Dani?

"Oh white on sugar please" i answered

Dana went to the Kitchen and made our coffess few minute later she was back with a tray with 4 cups and a plate of choc chip cookies she put the tray on one of the side tables and handed out coffee's

"oh Yummy my favourite" said Chris as he grabbed a cookie

" you guys had a good flight" Dana asked

"Yeah it was not too bad got in the afternoon" said Eric..

"So how was the concert in San Diego?" Dana asked

"it was epic as always.. Eric, Danni and I got backstage passes and got to hang out with the boys.. thanks to Dani" Chris said winking at me...

"you guys got backstage.. how did you guys get that?" said Dana excitedly

"Our little Whovian cousin here seem to know Mr J.J Leto personally" Said Eric

"Ah i knew your face looked familiar saw pictures from Coachella you with Jared" Dana said looking at me..

" yes a fluke that day i saw a lot of celebrities that weekend but actually ... Jared is involved with.. our Oraganisation ...doing some charity work.. we Properly met through that channel.." I lied..".we are just friends.. that's all.. um i have a backstage pass for you for the Camden show

"friends... Yeah right" said Chris sarcastically

Eric laughed and Dana gave Chris a look then she turned to me..." did i here you right i too have a backstage pass...?"

"yes that's right.. Jared has organisaed it... " i replied "Chris is getting the VIP 30 seconds to Mars treatment.."

Dana looked at Chris.." how are you Chris.. really i have been worried about you from our last conversation..."

Chris looked at me and Eric.. " um guys can we have some privacy"

"sure Chris" i said...

Dana looked confused.."what is it"

Both Eric and I got from our seats and we left Chris and Dana alone..Chris was telling her the bad news... Eric and i we waere sitting outside the back on the swing chair looking at the trees quietly... we could hear Dana crying in the background.. nothing worse than hearing the news that your friend is going to die..she came outside.. her eyes were red from crying.. she looked at me " is there nothing the doctor can do?"

I got up and put my arms around her " I'm so sorry" i said as she wept ...

Later that morning i left the boys just to go for a walk to get some fresh air...just being around both Eric and Dana..the reality of Chris's condition sank in.. this kids was not long for the world...thanks to fate.. not only they put him in a chair but now they have giving him incurable brain's not fair.. i was angry.. Though i knew what i was getting myself into when i decided to do this line of work.. it just break my heart to see these beautiful, brave, Inspiring full of life people who never let disability get in their way..suffer and yet able bodied people who are so selfish and so full of themselves they really have no idea of what they have...these people who are disabled they deserve better.. Why does God punish these people? These beautiful... then i could feel my chest tightening my stomach turning the tears started to flow i broke down i hate dealing with death and what is worse is having to watch your friend die i wish i could run away.. but Chris needs me ... this hurts so much... i wish Jared was here to comfort me....then i felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket and the theme of Doctor Who playing in the background.. i grabbed my phone i looked at the screen i pressed accepted..."Hey Babe...."the voice said... i felt for a moment comfort it was one voice i needed to hear.. he may not be here with me physically but he knew... he knew i needed him and he was there for me.."Jared...." i wept...

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